Chapter Seventeen

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My alarm woke me up the next morning. James was already up and cleaning up some stuff when I woke up. Today was also a work day so I would understand. I slowly sat up in the bed and stretched with a big yawn. James looked at me and smiled.

"Morning Addison." James greeted.

"Morning." I said midway through my yawn.

I rubbed my eyes and decided that I would take a shower. I got out of the bed and started for my bag. I pulled out my necessary items for my shower.

"Hey, do you mind if I take a quick shower?" I asked.

"No I don't mind. The bathroom is down the hall and on the left." James said.

I thanked him and headed the direction he told me. I did my normal business and twenty minutes later, I was out of the bathroom. I changed into some black overalls, ripped at the legs, with a black and white stripped shirt underneath. Since I didn't feel like putting my contacts in, I slipped on my glasses and put my big white watch on. I blow dried my hair, leaving it a small bit wet. When I looked in the mirror, I gave a shrug, collected my stuff, and headed out. I put everything in my bag and swung it over my shoulder.

"Since I know you can't cook, want to head out and get some bagels for breakfast?" I asked James.

He nodded his head yes, collected his phone, and we headed off.


It was around eleven when we got to set. Everyone was preparing for a day of recording when James and I walked in.

"We brought coffee!" James announced.

Everyone came around and picked a cup for themselves. I parted ways with him and set my bag on the table, going through everything to make sure it would all be fine. I then grabbed my ear pieces and my walkie talkie. I attached everything to my hip and making sure it was all working. As I was doing all of this, Pete came up and pulled me aside.

"Hey, I need to talk to you. Do you mind?" Pete asked.

"Not a problem. What's up?" I asked adjusting all the electronics on me.

"Since we are working in doors today, we didn't have a spot for you with a camera. So, I asked Casey if you and him wanted to go to the local mall and get some footage for Inside Jokes. Would you mind doing that instead of staying here?" Pete asked.

I gave a side smile. "Yeah, yeah! I would love to do that. That sounds like a plan."

Pete sighed. "Good. Okay, now we can send you guys off. Oh, and also, you don't need to hide the camera for this. All you will do is pick some people who know the show and Casey will ask them questions."

"Okay, sounds good! I'll go find Casey and we'll be on our way. Have you seen him?" I asked.

"Last I saw him, he was heading to talk to Sal and Brian about something." Pete answered.

'Just great. I have to encounter Sal again' I thought.

"Okay, I'll go find him and we'll be on our way." I said starting to walk off.

"We will meet you at the mall around two. You should see some camera crew there so don't worry about not having a camera." Pete reassured.

"Okay, sounds good. See ya later." I walked away. "Now time to find Sal."

I looked up and down the hallways. I checked every room that we were set in today. I don't understand, it's a small area, I would easily be able to find them. Though, as I was walking down the hallway, Joe jumped out from one of the rooms and scared me, making me yelp and take a few steps back. Joe was laughing up a storm as I was bent over, clutching my heart.

"Oh you Gatto." I breathed out, giving him an evil eye.

"You-you should've seen the look on your face!" Joe exclaimed, not able to stop laughing.

After a few minutes, it got annoying. I placed my hands on my hips and rolled my eyes.

"Haha, very funny Joe. But I'm on a schedule. I'm supposed to meet up with Casey to go to the mall to shoot Inside Jokes. But I can't find him anywhere! Pete told me he was with Sal and Brian." I said, starting to panic.

"Oh those guys? They are the next room down from the one I jumped out and scared you in." Joe said pointing to the room.

My eyes dropped in frustration. I palmed my forehead and started walking. "Thanks Joe!" I called out.

"No problem Add!" Joe said.

"Don't call me that!"

Joe snapped his fingers and pointed at me. "Point taken."

I walked into the room and immediately froze. Of course, I saw Brian and Casey, but right away Sal stared at me. His smile was slowly fading to a straight line. His eyes grew sad as he turned his head away.

"Oh, hey Addison! What's up?" Brian asked.

"I-I'm here to pick up Casey so we can shoot some Inside Jokes." I stuttered, keeping my stare on Sal.

"Oh shit, I forgot about that." Casey started to panic. "Let me go grab some stuff and I will meet you back here. It'll be real quick."

Casey stormed out of the room, leaving Brian, Sal, and I. The tension was visible in this room. I couldn't keep my eyes off Sal, and Sal wouldn't even look at me.

Oh Sal. Why did he have to fuck up what was going on? I want to know what was happening with his mind that day. Why did he just suddenly snap and pretty much say I'm useless to him? I'm just as hurt as he's acting now. I think he realizes that it will now be hard to open up my doors again for what he did. I knew it.

I dug my hands in my pockets and finally averted my eyes to Brian. He gave me a very awkward smile, which I gave back.

"Hey, I have to talk to you sometime. When are you not busy?" I asked Brian, now completely ignoring Sal.

"Hmm, next Wednesday. Why do you ask?" Brian asked.

"I just need another part of a puzzle. Talk to Joe and James about it, they will give you answers." I said, fixing my electronics on my hip.

"Okay, sounds good." Brian said, then after taking a sip from his coffee.

I looked back at Sal, his head still down. He was now playing with his fingers, as if he wanted to say something but didn't want to. I had to break the silence in him. I took a deep sigh, realizing I had no way home. I scanned my eyes on Sal, realizing he was, pretty much, my only ride home.

"Sal, are you doing anything after work?" I asked.

Sal shot his head up and made eye contact with me. "No. Why?" He asked quietly.

"I need a ride home. Mind taking me home?" I asked sympathetically.

"Y-yeah, I can take you home." Sal said.

I gave him a smile, but what I got in return was just a very small smile. I rolled my eyes and looked at Brian, who had his pulled out his phone and was scrolling through something.

"Addison, Casey is up front waiting for you." Pete said in my ear.

"Okay, I'll be right up there." I answered back. "See ya guys."

Brian and Sal waved at me as I walked out. I picked up my bag before netting Casey up front. We got into the car and headed to the mall.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now