Chapter Twenty-Six

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I was finishing up brushing my teeth when someone knocked on the door. I yelled come in and there behind me Brian walked in. He gave a cheeky smile as he walked next to me to brush his teeth as well. I spit out my toothpaste, rinsed my toothbrush, then started to walk out of the bathroom. I put everything in my bag, slung it around my shoulder, and waited for Brian to drive me home. He came towards me, slipped on his shoes, and we were out the door. I set my bags in the back of his Jeep and I got into the passenger side. Brian slipped into the drivers seat, started the ignition, then pulled out of the driveway.

It was quiet, and I didn't enjoy it. I wanted to break the silence. But with what? I wasn't sure.

"Did Sal ever come over last night?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. He got angry that you were cuddled up on me and asleep, but he understood you had a long day. He didn't do much after but shift you over to him and talked with us. He did also carry you into the guest room and tucked you in. That's about it." Brian explained.

I just nodded my head. "Did you give the guys their bracelets?" I asked.

"Yes I did, right when Sal came. I knew which one was for who so I passed them out for you." Brian said.

Again, I nodded my head. "What time is it?"

"It's almost ten. Why are you asking?" Brian asked.

"Just wondering." I replied getting my phone out.

I decided to text Sal to remind him of our lunch we were going to have later. I didn't want him to forget. Another reason why is that I wanted to be with Sal. I enjoy Brian's company, but he has been very touchy, very close, to me lately and I wasn't enjoying it. I understand, now, that he had a crush on me but I didn't enjoy all the attention he was giving me now, especially that I wanted to get things right with Sal. Realizing I have been staring at my phone screen for a while, I started typing.

Hey, don't forget to meet me at Panera at one.

Didn't forget. I'm getting ready now. Also, I really need to talk to you.

I need to talk to you too. I...uh...I miss you, like a lot. I know I seen you yesterday, but I just really...oh never mind.

Addison, don't apologize. I really missed you too, don't worry.

I smiled to myself. Brian must've noticed because he looked at me and gave me a confused look.

"What's up Addy?" Brian asked.

"Just texting Sal." I replied bluntly.

Brian nodded his head. I continued to text Sal.

What are you wearing to Panera?

I was planning on wearing a nice flannel with dark jeans. What about you?

I don't know yet. I think I'm just going to look casual. Nothing too fancy since I just wanted to talk.

You look good in anything anyways.

_ thx

No problem :)))

I'll see you later.

See ya later!

I locked my phone and placed it in my pocket. I leaned back into my seat and relaxed. This was going to be a long morning.


After I got dropped off at my house, I headed straight to shower. When I was done, I blow dried my hair than placed it into a bun. I decided to wear my jean overall shorts with a beige sweater underneath it. I added a necklace and a watch for accessories. I put some light makeup and slipped on my white converse.

I checked the time, it was around ten thirty. I was super early. I decided to feed my dogs and give them fresh water, since I forgot to tell Sal to do so last night. With the extra time, I felt like I could be doing something, like I knew I had something to do. Then it clicked in my head. I went around and grabbed some string and yarn, making sure I had what I wanted. I sat down on my couch and started making Milana's doll, Bella, her dress that I promised I would make.

By twelve fifteen I was done with the dress for little Bella. I was satisfied with it and I knew that Milana would love it. I set the dress on my coffee table then put the remaining supplies where I got them from. I put my dogs away into their room with new water and food, grabbed my small clutch, then headed out the door to Panera. This was going to be a long afternoon.

As I was driving, my mind would not stop spiraling. All these thoughts about what I would say to Sal, how would he react, how I would react! What do I start with to get what I actually want to say on the ball? My mind was starting to spiral too much, that I had to pull over on the road. I crossed my arms on the steering wheel and rested my head on my arms. I let myself try to calm down, but my mind was still blurring everything. So, I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I told myself that everything was going to be alright, there was nothing to worry about. Once I was all collected, I started my car back up and headed to Panera.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now