Chapter Twenty-Nine

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After Sal and I's walk, we decided to head back home and clean up for the rest of our day. Knowing that the party was going to be later, I decided to dress up some, but not too fancy so it would get Sal suspicious. I threw on a cream colored dress with wine bottles all over it and threw on a jean jacket with it. I blow dried my hair then decided to do something different with my hair. I sectioned it off at the top and made two French braids. I connected them into a tight bun, holding it up with lots of bobby bins. With the extra hair that was laying on my shoulders, I decided to loosely curl them. I threw on some light makeup for a touch up then slipped on some off-white converse. I filled up the dogs food and water bowls, put them in their room, collected my things and headed out the door.

I got into my car and pulled it into reverse until I was in Sal's driveway. I beeped the horn to let Sal know that I was ready to go. From the rear view mirror, I saw Sal walk by a window and flip me off. I chuckled to myself as I saw him walk out the door and come towards the car. I unlocked the doors and let Sal come in.

"You're a dick, you know that?" Sal asked as he got into the car.

"What? All I did was honk to let you know I'm ready to leave." I said as I pulled out of his driveway.

"Yeah, well, you scared me shitless. I was heading down my stairs when you honked the horn. I jumped so high, and it was a good thing I was at the bottom step or I would've fallen and broke something." Sal said buckling himself in.

I just smiled with content. We were going out to have breakfast, so I decided to take Sal where Brian took me. I could've picked somewhere else, but that restaurant had a pleasing atmosphere.

Sal and I kept a light conversation as we headed to our destination. Some was about what he was expecting for his birthday, what he was wondering what the guys were doing, and even how I was doing. I gave Sal questions about what he thought about his birthday so far, and he replied with a smile. I was glad to be making Sal's morning pleasing and relaxing because I know what happens with the guys around afternoon parties.

When we got to the restaurant, we headed in and got into our seats. We were seated by a window in the front of the restaurant. We ordered our drinks and still kept a light conversation between the two of us. Sal decided to take a selfie, which made me chuckle a small bit. Sometimes people would walk by and wave through the window at Sal. Others would stay across the street and take pictures. I tried to hide my face through the whole thing. I get that I worked through the show and that I would be on camera, but I didn't like being in the spotlight with Sal. I saw him as a normal human and it was hard to do that in public because everyone else sees him as a celebrity. Though we've been caught a few times, we've been more distant about being together than anything else.

After we finished our breakfast and argued about who was paying the bill (I won with a good argument and threatening him with a dirty spoon), we were heading out to see our show. Since Hamilton was around, I bought two tickets for us to go see it. By the time we got to the theatre, we took our seats and pretty much missed the beginning of the show. But by the end of the show, Sal and I decided to leave early, not enjoying what we were watching. Not saying it was bad, just not our thing. Since there was nothing around New York that we wanted to do, we just decided to walk around. For it being November, it was pretty cool outside. Though, I was the only female wearing a dress while everyone else wore jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a jacket.

Sal and I walked hand in hand, just enjoying each other and having small conversations here and there. We were talking about how shooting was almost over so we would have Thanksgiving and Christmas to worry about. I told him that I wasn't planning anything big for either holiday and he said he was going to see his family for Thanksgiving, not one hundred percent sure about Christmas. I would agree with him, but family wasn't big with me.

We stopped by a local ice cream shop as we were walking by. It was Sal's treat to me because it was his birthday, as he said so himself. I disagreed, but he brought me along anyways. When we walked in, the first scent that hit me was the mixture of caramel and chocolate mixed. You know, one of those headache smells but it later gets to you and smells good? Yeah, one of those smells. (You can smell it now, can't you?) Anyways, I was going through the menu when Sal said it was our turn. Sal ordered himself a pistachio ice cream in a waffle cone. For a last minute decision, I ordered myself a mint chocolate chip cone that was dipped in dark chocolate. Sal payed and we were then handed our treats. We grabbed a booth near the back of the building, wanting to get away fans who would recognize him when they came through the front doors. Sal and I, once again, kept small talks between each other, getting to know each other a little more by the minute as we ate our ice creams. Then, out of the blue, Sal brought up the dating thing again. I was very confused to why he kept bringing it up. Though, I didn't think much about it. I just nodded my head and smiled.

Curious by my choice though, Sal wanted to try my treat. I gave him my cone in agreement to having to taste his as well. Sal handed me his and we both tried it. I did not enjoy Sal's pistachio ice cream, but he did enjoy mine. We handed each other's ice cream's back and enjoyed the flavors we chose. As we were talking though, I got a phone call. I gave Sal a looked of confusion as I pulled my phone out from my small purse. I answered.

"Hello?" I asked taking a bite out of my cone.

"Addison, it's time to bring Sal to the bowling alley! Where are you guys?!"

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