Chapter Eighteen

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It was already eight forty-five. We got done with work around six thirty, seven o'clock. Sal was late. I have been standing at his car for a good hour, hour and a half. My phone was pretty much dead and I haven't fed the dogs since this morning. I was starting to get irritated. Also, it was early fall, so it started getting pretty cold at night. I didn't bring a jacket and so the only source of warmth came from me pulling down my sleeves. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against Sal's locked car.

"Where the hell is he?" I asked aloud, my teeth jittering like crazy.

As I waited, I decided to pull out my phone and text Sal. But, halfway through my text, my phone screen shut off, and it turned black. My eyes grew wide as I tried to turn it on, but on the screen popped up a blinking battery with a cord. I grunted and stuck my phone into my pocket. I brought my hands to my upper arms to warm them up. I gave Sal five more minutes. And let me tell you, those five minutes became ten minutes, then fifteen, then twenty. I finally gave up at that point. I picked up my bag and started walking. I hopped onto a bus, which dropped me off a few blocks away from my house, and I walked home, pissed.


A few days went on. Ever since I stood in the cold, I, myself, got a cold. This made me have to call in sick for work, even though the rest of this week was filming days. I felt so awful for already having to take days off, but I couldn't help it. It was my second day with the cold, and it seemed to be getting a little worse each hour passed. I had two garbage bins filled with used tissues. I have been ordering take out soup from different restaurants, which is causing me a fortune. I also have been watching reruns of some of my favorite tv shows while snuggling with my dogs. A blanket would lay over my shoulders and one on my legs, tissues next to me, and my third trash bin next to me as well.

Today, I was watching an episode of 'The Office' when I got a knock on my door. My mind started questioning who it was. I didn't order soup or anything. No one texted me saying they were coming over. Then who was it? I called out for them to come in, and when the door opened, I saw Sal. Not just him though, after him came piling in was James, Brian, and Joe. I sat up with a confused look.

"Why are you guys here?" I asked in a groggily voice. Not talking a lot for a few days can really affect your voice box.

"We came by to give you some stuff to feel better." James said.

"And since you've been alone for a few days, we knew you would like some company." Joe said with a smile.

"That's so sweet." I said adjusting myself on the couch. "But I don't want you guys getting sick because of me."

"Don't worry about that. As of right now, we are here to bring you company." Brian said.

"And some soup with saltine crackers!" James chirped.

Sal motioned the tray he was holding. I gave a small smile. "I would hug you guys right now, but I'm not spreading my germs." I chuckled. "Please, sit. Let's enjoy some soup together."

They guys all started to sit down. As I was about to get up, Sal sat me back down and headed into the kitchen. He came back with silverware and bowls. I gave a small smile towards him, but I got nothing in return.

Sal poured us all a bowl of soup as Joe passed it along to everyone in the room. When I had gotten mine, I thanked Joe and stirred my soup around with my spoon. With it still piping hot, I set it down on the table next to me so it would cool down. Joe sat next to me on the couch, Sal sat in my arm chair on the right, and James and Brian sat on my other small couch on my left. All of us with a bowl of soup and some crackers on the plate that came with our bowl.

"How was recording sessions?" I asked picking up my bowl and starting to finally eat it.

"Pretty good." Brian answered.

"Weird without seeing a dear cameraman around." Joe stated.

The guys nodded, except for Sal. He was in his own personal bubble, eating his soup and crackers. I didn't care though, if he wanted to act that way, he can.

"Anything I missed?" I asked.

"You totally missed James, Sal, and I's punishment we filmed the other day." Brian chimed.

"Oh yeah. What was it?" I asked stirring my soup around.

"I had them do a show call 'Three Men and Your Baby' which is about these three doofs explaining to newly mothers about baby products, how to change a diaper, all these crazy things." Joe said with a wide smile.

"It was awful." James slugged.

"Well, don't you hate children, Brian?" I asked, holding back my laugh.

"Yes. So that's why it was awful for me!" Brian exclaimed.

"I think it was hilarious, I don't know what you guys are talking about?" Joe said with a cheeky grin.

I cracked, almost spitting out my soup. After I swallowed, I started hacking up a cough. I covered my mouth with my elbow as I coughed. Right after I sneezed, which I blew my nose and threw away the tissue. I took some hand sanitizer and wiped my hands with it. When I was about to eat the rest of my soup, I took a quick glance at it and my stomach twisted. I was done, I couldn't eat anymore.

"Who made the soup?" I asked looking at the guys.

They all pointed at Sal, who was in his own bubble eating his soup. The corner of my lip turned up for a quick second. "Well, it was good. Thank you Sal." I thanked. Sal nodded his head as he continued to finish up soup in his bowl.

After a while, everyone was finished with there soup. We all just relaxed and talked about different things. Speckles and Lady came around, each going to the different couches. Lady hopped up with Joe and I as Speckles went to Brian and James. We all enjoyed our company and had a few laughs here and there.

Except Sal.

He was quiet the whole entire time. He only laughed at certain points, but other than that he was quiet. He seemed to be lost in his thoughts. Once and a while I would glance over at him and catch him looking at me. He wouldn't look away right away, he would study my face, sigh, then look away. I was starting to worry. Not only that, I was starting to miss the other Sal, not this one. I miss the one who laughed and engaged with our conversations. Who was the one who got picked on and never really minded it. The one who would give me a smile with warmth. The one who would look at me like he was in love with me. It didn't click before, but after what I've been getting from James and Joe so far, I know see how much Sal actually cares about me. And not just me, the fact that he thought, for at least five years, that there would be an us in our relationship. And with time and time passing, my true emotions are starting to come through and I realize that I, Addison Spears, is in love with Sal Vulcano.

But something jerked me back into reality. By the time I knew it, I was sitting on the couch with wetness on my cheeks. Sal and I were both staring at each other, and the other guys were gone.

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