Chapter Thirty-One

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"You should turn around, ya doof."

So I did, and the next thing I knew I was whipped off of my feet and was being spun around. I squealed as I grabbed a hold of Sal's shoulders. I could see from the bottom of my eyes Sal staring up at me with a big smile on his face.

"Put me down Vulcano!" I yelled playfully.

I was gently put on my feet, but my hands stayed on Sal's shoulders, his hands on my waist. I gave small giggles as I leaned my head onto Sal's chest, wrapping my arms around his torso.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Just because, I want to surprise you." Sal said.

I brought my head up to face his. "But the surprise was supposed to be for you! What happened?"

"Let's just say I may have gotten some people to spill so they can change the plans." Sal said with a wink.

I didn't need to look to figure out who did what. I flipped everyone off, making them all chuckle. I looked into Sal's eyes. They darted back and forth, trying to figure out why Sal was so peppy and happy.

"What is this seriously about?" I asked with pleading eyes.

Sal took a deep breath and slid his hands down my arms, grabbing my hands. "I fell in love with this woman that I thought I would never fall in love with. She has beautiful brown hair that frames her face perfectly. Her smile pops dimples onto her cheeks, which is absolutely adorable. Her eyes are the color of mudded grass, not too green but also not too brown. She isn't the skinniest gal either, but she isn't too fat," I slapped his shoulder. "I'm just saying! But man of mighty, what really made me love her is her personality. This may sound very cliché, but it just made me think of myself. She just clicks with me, and she just has a personality that everyone adores. I mean, everyone says that about anyone, but I just love it! It makes me so happy! Whenever I'm around her, I just want to spin her around and just cuddle with her endlessly, talking about nonsense on a cold night. I want to to just be able to be there when she's crying and tell her that everything is going to be okay. I want to say to everyone that she's mine and tell them to back off. She is just an angel in my eyes. And that special woman is you, Addison.

"When you first moved into the house next door, I thought you would just be one of those neighbors that is just there. Obviously, I wanted to be nice to I went over to say hi. Surprisingly I saw a beautiful woman and thought 'wow, she's amazing.' I never knew that we would click. I remember you coming over and asking if I could help you with unboxing. I remember telling you that my buddies and I were staring in a tv show, not knowing how much we would become back then. I remember you finally letting out your inner self and thinking 'man, she's just like me.' I remember you always waved hello to me through your front window just to get my attention. I remember just falling in love with this woman, Addison, who just my neighbor across the street. I-" Sal stopped, then took a deep breath. "I remember fucking up and regretting everything that I did. I remember how heartbroken you were, and how much I just wanted to be there for you. I just wanted so hard, so hard to just come up to you and say how much I love you. Now look at us, on my birthday in front of all of our friends five years later." Sal shuffled, then looked me dead in the eye. "Addison Spears, will you make this the most memorable birthday and be my girlfriend?"

I looked Sal in the eyes. I could feel the pressure on my shoulders. It must've took a while for me to answer, because the crowd behind, or beside us started chanting 'yes'. It got so loud and full of energy, that I just chuckled and rolled my eyes.

"Salvatore Vulcano, I may be one of the toughest cookies to crack, the strongest wall to destroy, or even the cement on your sidewalk. I know, from the bottom of my heart, that that was the best thing a man has ever done to me. So," I leaned into Sal's ear. "I will be your girlfriend." I whispered.

When I pulled back, Sal's smile was so wide that it could've popped his cheeks. His eyes were full of happiness and love. "You're serious?!"

I chuckled. "If I wasn't serious, do you think I would've said yes?" I asked.

Sal's excitement got to him as he picked me up and started spinning me around again. I laughed and squealed, being happy for Sal and I. When Sal slowed down and started lowering me to the ground, he pulled me into a loving kiss. From behind, everyone started shouting and squealing, making Sal and I blush when we pulled away.

"NOW LET'S PARTY!" Sal shouted, throwing our connected hands into the air.

Everyone screamed and all the lanes started to open. Someone started playing Sal's music, making Sal go shocked.

"I thought someone stole that damn thing! Who the HELL took my damn iPod!? I know this is my playlist!" Sal started as he let go of my hand and went to go capture the thief. I just chuckled and rolled my eyes. From there, Joe, Bessy, Brian, and James all came up to me. I smiled at them and placed my hands on my hips.

"Okay, who was the spoiler?" I asked with a smile.

"James, Brian and I." Joe replied.

"And how long was this kept secret?" I asked.

"Since about two days ago." Brian replied.


"Because, Sal wanted to do something special for you and we wanted to surprise him the same day. So, we just told him the plan and he connected his plan with ours. From there, we told everyone about the new plan but you. Simple as that." James answered.

I glared at all of them. "I hate all of you, except Bessy. She didn't do anything against me in this one." I joked.

Bessy laughed. "Well, Joe did tell me about some of it..."

"You traitor!" I yelled with a laugh.

We all fell into a fit of laughter. After Sal came back we set up our bowling teams. Joe, James, and Bessy were in lane nine next to us as Brian, Sal, and I took lane eight. During the whole time, people came up to us and wished Sal a happy birthday and congratulated us on our relationship. It was very overwhelming yet amazing to now know that I could call Sal mine. I felt very special yet amazed that he decided to ask me out on his birthday.

When everyone got bored or finished of their bowling time, we all headed out to Sal's place and continued the party as usual. Sal had his iPod returned and from there he played his other playlist that he enjoyed. Everyone had a beer or other beverage in hand and chilled out. Eventually we brought out cake and sang happy birthday.

Throughout the whole night, Sal stayed close to me and always kept an arm around my waist. Sometimes he would give me small kisses on my face or in my hair. If we did part, it was either we were using the restroom or that Sal or I got called by someone else. Other than that, Sal and I stayed near each other, not leaving any of our sights.

When everyone left, I helped Sal clean up a little then left to head home myself. Sal gave me a kiss goodbye then I was home. I was in my room, Lady and Speckles with me, as I looked out the window. I saw Sal enter and immediately saw me. He gave me a small wave and picked up his phone. My phone buzzed in my hand, notifying me that I got a text message. I opened it.

I miss you already.

I miss you too. Don't worry though, I'm just across the road.

I know. But still...

You'll survive. Goodnight Sal.

Goodnight Addison, I love you.

I love you too. Happy birthday <3

Thank you Adds.

Don't call me that.

Got it.

I blew Sal a kiss through the window which he caught and placed on his cheek. I chuckled and waved at him before pulling my window shades shut. I shut my light off and crawled into bed. Speckles came and laid next to me as Lady fell asleep at me feet. I fell asleep a little later thinking about Sal.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum