Chapter Fifteen

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Today was hot and I'm not over exaggerating, it was steaming. I couldn't stand it. But, since we had to film, I had gone out here. But it was a good thing we got here early because we could set up under a tree in the shade. That was good.

I kept my walkie-talkie hooked to my jean pocket as I was told where all the cameras were supposed to be set up. No matter what conditions it was, I had to figure out a way to hide my camera. Since I knew the guys would be walking around or sitting on a bench, I had to pick a good place to get both views. Not only get the views, but also hide the camera. Since I already used my sweaty runner technique, I knew I had to come up with something different. I looked through my bag to see if I had anything that would fit for a day like this. Then it clicked to me.


"Well, well, well, I see someone has joined the team." I heard Brian say behind me.

"Mhm." I hummed since I had bobby pins in my mouth.

"What is your plan this time?" James asked.

"A....documentarist." I said slowly as I placed the other bobby pin in my hair.

"Looks good." James said.

I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you."

"So where are you going to hide the camera in all of this?" Brian asked.

"Nowhere." I replied plainly.

"What do you mean no where? This is a hidden camera tv show!" James spat at me.

"Hey, calm down! I have it under control. I know what I'm doing!" I said motioning my hands to tell him to calm it.

"Trust her, she's not going to screw this up." Brian said.

As I was putting in my final touches on makeup, I saw Sal in the mirror looking at me. When we made eye contact, I turned around to see him looking at me. Sal, in return, rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone. My stomach twisted as I shuffled my feet.

"What's wrong?" James asked looking back between Sal and I.

"I will tell you later. Right now, please focus on something other than us." I said.

"We better get ready. I see Joe just got here so let's ready to film." Brian said to James.

They walked away as I got my final touches on my outfit today. And before I knew it, I was out in the blazing sun filming for the day.


When I got into my car, I just sat in the seat taking in all the cold air flowing throughout the car. I knew I didn't want to leave soon so I reclined the seat and rested my head back. Today was long and very hot. Sweat beads still dripped down my forehead as I had the cold air blow into my face. I was relaxed until a knock at my window woke me from my relaxation. I opened my eyes to see James at my window. I rolled it down.

"What's up?" I asked, adjusting my seat.

"Sorry to bother you, but would you be willing to meet up later and talk about what's going on between you and Sal? Joe told me some of it when you started walking away." James said.

I gave a small smile. "Yeah, yeah that sounds good. Text me later when you're ready and where you want to meet up."

James smiled back at me. "Okay, sounds good! Have a good afternoon Addison."

"See ya."


I stared at my phone for a solid five minutes, debating if I should text Sal to put the dogs to bed when it was time. He was the easiest to contact since he lived right across the road. It was around six and I was supposed to meet James at his place around seven.

"Fuck it, what harm could be done?" I sighed.

I picked up the phone, opened my contacts and called Sal. I leaned forward on my couch to look out the window into Sal's living room. I saw him walk in and look at his phone. I was biting my thumbnail as I watching him pick it up.

"What?" He questioned me.

Ouch. I leaned back into my couch and got myself comfortable.

"Holy cow grumps. Listen, all I wanted was to know if you could put my dogs to bed around eight for me." I explained.

"Where are you going?" Sal asked with attitude.

"Why do you care?" I sassed back.

"Holy shit I just wanted to know! You didn't need to give me sass back!" Sal argued with me.

"Well maybe you shouldn't give me attitude god dammit!" I yelled

"Well you should just tell me where you're going!" Sal yelled back.

"Im going to James' for a few hours, happy?!" I asked.

"Why are you going to his place?" Sal asked.

"Why do you care?" I asked again.

"Stop bringing this full circle." Sal argued again.

"Why shouldn't I?" I asked back with a lot of anger.

"Why are you so rude?" Sal asked.

"Why do you hate me so much?!" I yelled.

It went quiet. By now, without even realizing it, we were both looking at each other through our windows. I could feel hot water on my cheeks. I wiped them away. I could see Sal, face full of regret and hate, as he lifted his hand up to his window. His mouth opened, but before he could speak, I hung up. I needed to go to James, and quickly.

I grabbed everything that I thought was necessary. I shoved them in a duffle bag, making a last minute decision to stay at his place. I don't think I could stand waking up seeing his house right across the road. I also grabbed my work bag, filling it with more outfits and taking out the one from today. When I was done, I slipped both of my shoes on, kissed both of my dogs goodbye, and ran out the door.

As I was throwing my stuff in my car, I could see Sal running across his yard. I rushed into the drivers seat and put the keys in as quickly as I could. I was backing up when Sal came to my door, knocking on the window. I rolled it down only halfway.

"Addison, let me explain." Sal pleaded.

"Explain what? That you used me for a one night stand? That you just wanted me for attention? Because I'm not all for that." I snapped.

"It's not like that." Sal said quietly.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

Sal didn't answer. I gave him a side smirk. "I thought so. So, if you wouldn't mind, I would like to go." I sassed.

But before I rolled the window up, we stared at each other for a solid minute. My anger turned into softness when I saw his tears prick with water. I closed my eyes and sighed. A long, hard sigh.

"Please put the dogs to bed by eight. You know where the spare key is." I said without looking at him.


"Have a good night Salvatore Vulcano. See you at work." I said as I started to roll up the window.


I put the car into drive and sped off. It was a good thing James didn't live far away because I would've lost it and crashed.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now