Chapter Thirty-Six

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I woke up earlier than Sal did. He laid next to me in my bed, small drops of drool leaving the side of his lip. I chuckled and wiped his lip for him before heading into the shower. When I was done, I got dressed into some work clothes and went to make breakfast. As I was cooking a few minutes later, arms wrapped around my waist and I got kissed on the back of my head. I smiled to myself.

"Good morning Sal." I greeted.

"Morning." He replied groggily.

I leaned my head back into his shoulder and smiled. "Merry Christmas."

Sal pecked my lips. "Merry Christmas."

I turned around to look at him. "I hope I didn't wake you up."

"N-no, no you didn't. I had an alarm on my phone because I need to go pick up something before everyone comes over." Sal said.

"Well, it's a good thing you're leaving because I need to wrap my gifts and I don't want you to see what I got you." I said, booping his nose.

I got up on my tip-toes and kissed his nose. I turned back to finish up breakfast as Sal let go of me and got out plates. I served up breakfast and sat down to eat. Sal and I kept a slight conversation between us as we enjoyed our meal. Sal's alarm went off again, signaling he needed to leave. I walked to the door with him. He kissed me bye and left, leaving me to get ready for Christmas.


Bessy, I need you're help. Do you mind coming over earlier?

Totally, I don't mind! Let me just get changed and tell Joe where I'm going. I will see you in a few minutes.

Thank you! See ya in a few!

I set my phone down and ran my hands through my braided hair. I was having a slight panic attack, not knowing where all of my gifts for Sal went. I checked through the whole house and I still couldn't find them. The house was literally flipped upside down. After fifteen minutes for waiting for Bessy, the doorbell rang. I answered the door to see a smiling Bessy.

"Merry Christmas!" Bessy greeted.

"Merry Christmas. Please, come in." I said opening the door wider to let her in.

I waited for her to take her winter gear off before letting out my frustration. I watched as Lady and Speckles came over and sniffed her out. I clapped my hands at them and told them to lay down. Once Bessy was done, she took a breath in and looked at me.

"What's wrong? Why did you call, well, text me here?" She asked.

"I lost me gifts for Sal! I don't know where they went!" I barked.

Bessy's gave dropped. "You lost them?!"

I nodded my head frantically. "I don't know where they went! I remember going out shopping with you then coming back and sweating them down somewhere. Please tell me you saw where I set them down! Bessy, please, you are my only hope!" I pleaded.

"Addison, first, you need to calm down. Take a deep breath in." I did as she told me. "Good, now, recollect your thoughts. Where did you set them down when we got back here?"

I looked around the house from where we were standing. "I remember setting them down on the bottom of the staircase."

"Okay, then where?" Bessy asked.

"Well, we came in and had a few drinks. Then, when you left, I took them upstairs. After that I don't remember, it's all fuzzy. The only other part I remember it putting them all in one bag." I replied.

"Well, then let's look upstairs. They should be somewhere up there." Bessy said.

For a good ten minutes, we looked through every corner of the house searching for Sal's presents. I was searching on one side, Bessy was looking on the other side. My side was a nada, couldn't find them at all. I was going through the last tub that I had until Bessy yelled at me through the other room.

"Addison, what bag were you're presents in?" She asked.

"I transferred it into a big bag that had the Pittsburg Penguin on it, why?" I asked.

"I found them!" She replied.

I dropped my stuff and walked over to where she was. When I saw her, she had a big smile on her face. I almost dropped to my knees when I looked into the bag and they were the gifts for Sal. I gave Bessy a big hug.

"Oh my god, you are a lifesaver! Thank you so much!" I thanked.

"Hey, no problem. Next time, pay attention where you put things." Bessy replied with a chuckle.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll try to. I have a habit of not remembering where I put things."

I gave Bessy one last hug before she left to get ready for tonight. I checked the time, realizing it was around two thirty. I decided to set the bag on my bed and put the turkey in the oven so it could cook. I headed back upstairs to finish up Sal's gifts then placing all my gifts in one big bag. I took them downstairs and placed them under the tree. It was already a lot, making me chuckle to myself. I took a quick picture then decided to clean myself up. I rooms quick body shower before pulling on my onesie for tonight. I put down my hair then placed a crown, like a flower crown but Christmas themed, on my hair. I was pretty much ready for Christmas. The last thing I needed to do was make dinner.

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