Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Three months had passed, so it was officially November. Sal and I, like we agreed, stayed in our little bubbles. To be honest, it's been going great. Every morning when we headed out for work, we would smile and wave, telling each other good morning. Sal would participate in more things, go out more. Occasionally we would have our days together just for lunch or something, but nothing too special. The other guys have also noticed a big change in Sal, which they thought was amazing. They were happy to have their best friend back and the way he was before. I was focusing more on work, and how we could improve camera shots on the show. Pete noticed some of my work had rubbed off on the other cameramen, which he thought was great. I, personally, felt pleased that my tricks rubbed off on them, but I also thought it was funny.

Though I briefly touched on how Sal and I have been doing, we have been doing much better than we were doing. We liked to keep our distances, we do have our mornings, but we have been much closer these past months. No matter what, through all of this, Sal and I had made it through. We've been going on our dates, we've been hanging out a lot more. Though, like I said, we kept to our own personal bubbles. It wasn't every weekend that we were hanging out, it was like every third week. He, though, has been very suspicious lately, but I didn't think much of it. I had other stuff to worry about.

As I said before, it was finally November. Which meant that Sal's birthday was coming up, so everyone was trying to plan something for the big fortieth birthday. Of course, we wanted to have a surprise party, so I was planned to be Sal's little puppy guide. I would distract Sal for a week, the others would plan his birthday. So that meant that I took Sal for dinner, drove him to work, went on walks, all sorts of stuff, while everyone else planned the big party. Even though I don't know much about it, I know one thing about the party was we didn't want to have a just a get together at Sal's house. So, we all decided rent out a bowling alley for a night and have the first half of the party there. Later, some would leave early to set up Sal's house and continue the night there. We knew Sal would enjoy it, since he would be with his friends and doing something he liked. Of course, sense we all know how much Sal enjoys his music, we had to have someone steal his iPod away, so now he thinks he lost it.

On Sal's birthday, everyone gave him a heads up that we were "busy." Well, everyone was "busy" but me. I was going to be with Sal for the first half of the day until around one, one thirty. James was going to text me when everything was ready so we could head over. So, knowing Sal loves having walks with my dogs, I decided to start the morning with that then go get breakfast. I then planned to go see a small show that lasted for at least a hour then hang out until James texted me. Seemed pretty cliché, but I didn't think much about it.

So, this is how Sal's birthday started off. I gave him a quick text after waking up to see if he wanted to go out for a walk. Of course he agreed so we decided to meet in ten minutes. I threw my hair up into a high ponytail, slipped on some leggings and a loose t-shirt with my black sweatshirt, then finally threw on some sneakers. I hooked up the dogs on their leashes then walked out of the house. I crossed the street to Sal's and rang his doorbell to let him know I was there. Two minutes later Sal came out, a big smile on his face, and was ready to go.

"Hey birthday boy! Which dog do you want?" I asked, holding out the leashes for Sal to choose.

"Well, since I always take Lady, I will walk Speckles for the day. Y'know, just for a little mix up." Sal replied with a wide smile.

"Sounds good to me." I replied back with a smile.

As we started to walk, I could feel how happy Sal was on this day. It made me chuckle a small bit. Sal looked at me, his eyebrows risen in confusion, as well as the chuckle he let out.

"What's up?" Sal asked.

"Nothing. You just seem so chirpy today. Why's that? Well, other than the fact that it's your birthday. What's up?" I asked.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now