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24.| Brave new world

"I mean, Katherine looked just like you

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"I mean, Katherine looked just like you. It was freakish." Bonnie told Elena as Bonnie, Elena, Serena, and I were all helping set up for the schools carnival.

"She is my ancestor." Elena muttered with a fake smile on her face "Hey, I moved the student booth into the cafeteria." She had added

"Yeah, your vampire ancestor" Bonnie reminded her. "And she didn't just resemble you Like a family member would, she was you."

"I don't... I don't know, I can't explain it. Okay? It's creepy. It's all I got." Elena spoke up.

"Well do you know she isn't still out there pretending to be you?" Serena questioned.

"I don't but I could sit here and be tortured by the not knowing or I could get these prizes to the ring toss." Elena spoke up.

"I like the second option." I hummed.

"Well have either of you talked to Damon since he killed Jeremy or tried to kill jeremy?" Bonnie asked and my face faltered.

"No, we haven't and I'm not gonna, ever, again." I bit back
and Serena looked over at me.

"Really? Because you and Damon were like-"

"I don't care! I was stupid, I thought he could change, that he was just misunderstood but in reality he's just a sociopath" I said and Serena nodded.

"Please, just don't talk to us about anything vampire related, Okay?" Elena sighed before handing bonnie and Serena some prizes for the ring toss game.

"Copy that." Bonnie gave her a firm nod as did Serena.

"We're human, and we have to do human stuff, otherwise, we might just go crazy." Elena spoke up.

"Okay." Bonnie nodded and I opened my mouth so I could say something but my mouth shut when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Ah! You know that's my tickle spot, jackass!" I giggled as I jump back and playfully hit Ian's chest and he cracked a smile.

"A lot of things have changed since I left, I just had to make sure you didn't." He chuckled and I let a blush creep up to my lips before I leaned into his chest.

"Sorry, but who the holy hell is this?" Serena asked and I chuckled

"Serena this is Ian." I smiled and she froze.

"Wait, the Ian, the one who..."

"Yes that Ian." I cut in "and Ian this is my best friend, Serena." I told him and he smiled at her before he extended his hand. Serena just looked down at his hand until he pulled it back.

"Uh, it's nice to meet you." He said as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and I sighed.

"Serena." I poured and she let out a sigh and groan as she looked at him with a sharp glare.

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