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Margaret wiped off the sweat that streaked down her cheeks. She grabbed another cardboard box and tossed her stuffed animals and things left on her nightstand, including the picture of her and robin as a child on the carousel. Her eyes changing direction to her book of photos that always sat underneath the frame. Dozens of polaroids and mall photo booth pictures she's taken with Steve. Resting the frame on top of a teddy bear, she opened the book. Revealing the pictures they first took before their break up. He was always smiling until he saw the flash.

A knock was planted on her door frame, "you know, you don't have to finish today." Her father shrugged but margaret nodded, "it's best I get most of it done while I have the chance."

He sighed taking a look at her room, the room shes always had. The lavender wallpaper with white daisies falling in a line every four inches. And in the middle of each wall had white ribbon that was about a good five inches wide. Memories flowed after staring at every corner of the room. How he chased her around when she was six before bed after teasing her of the boogieman or sitting down reading her stories against the wall he faced when stepping into the room. He sat on the bed, turning his direction to her drawer which the top was completely empty. She walked out of the small walk in closet with toys she'd kept over the years finding her father in a sad daze made her chuckle.

"I'll be here for thanksgiving" she attempted to him cheer up, but him watching her continue to pack wasn't helping. She closed up the box when it was filled and set it on top of the others up against her window. "Time will go fast, you won't even know I was gone."

"You don't have to go, marg. You know that" she shrugged, as much as she loved Hawkins she found no reason in staying. After getting accepted to a college in New York everyone knew nothing was going to stop her from going. She's been want to go for months and hearing they would want her there was all she ever needed. She plopped down beside her dad, resting her head on his shoulder as he brought his arm around hers. She watched as her hands fumbled around while thinking of everyone.

They stayed like that, in silence, before her mother took a step into her room. "I cut up some fruit" she smiled sending them to smile as well, but not as wide as hers was. Margaret realized she was leaving in four days and she hadn't gotten the chance to give an actual goodbye to her friends. Her father began rubbing her back, "you'll call us, right?" He asked making his daughter take her head off his shoulder. She nodded, "when I can."

He smiled before taking himself out to let her finish, "when you finish, join us for some fruit."

Margaret nodded, her eyes trailed away from him once he left leaving her staring at what's left inside her room. She threw herself back into her bed staring at the glow in the dark stars stuck on her ceiling. Making her smile when she remembered the sound of robin's laugh echo through her head.

"Hey look, I made the big dipper" robin giggled before throwing her head back as she turned stare at Margaret. The two were 10 at the time and creatively began decking Margaret's room with the stuff they bought from the dollar central store. Margaret began to smile while she punctured pins at the end of the John Lennon poster. The girls were startled by her mother finding both of them in dangerous positions.

"Get down before you hurt yourself!" She began to laugh as the girls stared, "I made some brownies and they're not gonna eat themselves."

Margaret felt a slight breeze that made the curtains lightly flap against the boxes. Her cheeks blushed while remembering the first time Steve Harrington snuck into her room. As embarrassed as she was to be living in a girly room that was decorated by the two ten year olds she missed everytime she was with robin.

Margaret was sitting up against her wired metal bed frame that was painted white. She was reading the weekly magazines her mother would get in the mail. Margaret's eyes trailed down towards the side of her, watching as the curtains blew away from the window she saw a hand reach through. One urge was to scream but another was to hide, she felt her heart drop staring at someone struggle their way through.

"Mar, help-" Steve was out of breath, grunted to get himself through as he pushed his body into the gap. He exhaled giving up as his stomach rested onto the platform of the window. She scrunched her eyebrows together, "Steve?" Noticing the puffy hair stand as he looked at the ground. Holding his breath, he began to pushing himself more inside her room without attempting to make noise.

Margaret placed the magazine down and rushed over helping him get into her warm room. She shivered as the winter wind hit her skin, steve laid on her brown fluffy carpet attempting to capture his breath. "What are you doing here? You're gonna get me in trouble!" She whispered as high as she could while watching his eyes close while he lazily raised one finger as he panted.

"I missed you, and I know your parents would be angry if I called you so I came" he got himself up and smiled at his girlfriend, his smirky smile while he stared at Margaret in a white and pink night gown.

"You look, dazzling." He dusted himself off before leaning in to kiss her. His hand on her cheek while he some what hovered over her. "Steve" she whined "you know my parents would be furious if they saw you-"

"I know any parent would" he shrugged, his lips on hers before she pulled away. Taking his hand off as she still stared at him. "I missed your voice, but not as bad as I missed your lips" his words sent her blushing while he planted Eskimo kisses. Steve laid on her bed watching as she went back into her position, against the frame with her bare feet sunk in the covers. He turned on his back and looked up at her ceiling, "is that the big dipper?"

Margaret turned her head at the door finding dustin and his group of friends, "no way, you are actually leaving."

"You're back!" She gasped making him nod, "and you look-" her eyes examined his body "taller" he chuckled. She tugged him into a hug while the rest of them fit onto her full size bed.

"How was camp?" She muffled into his shoulder smelling the familiar sent of Farrah Fawcett spray. Dustin grinned, "I met a girl-"

"You met a girl!" She exclaimed in joy.

"I did!" He nodded. The kids rolled their eyes at the mentioning of his "girlfriend." Margaret nudged his side insisting him to go into detail. Her began talking about her, his eyes sparkled while he did so. Margaret was in awe, it was about time he would tell her this news. She was glad it was before she left.

"So, where is she? Does she live here?" Dustin cleared his throat and shook his head. They all raised their eyebrows while he explained she wasn't from hawkins.

"Oh! So, how will you see her?"

"I won't. We're building a satlite for us to communicate through walkie talkies." He waved the electronic bulk with a confident grin, Margaret raised her brows and moved her head before falling into a nod.

"That's great!" Margaret's sarcastic exclaime sent Dustin to smiled.

"Have you seen Steve?" He questioned.

"Not since like, two days ago? Why?" She shrugged while her eyes roamed trying to think of the last time they spoke.

"Just was about to go see him, haven't seen him in a while-" she nodded before max began to speak.

"Are you almost done?" She asked while staring at the packages, the kids all waited for her reply, she shook her head with an exhausting sigh. "We could help" the kids chimed in with an enthusiastic nod.

"No, I'm alright! Don't you guys have to help Dustin? Anyway." Dustin nodded as the kids rolled their eyes, "I almost forgot! Thanks Mar!" He smiled while he walked out the kids groaned tripping over their steps.

"Have fun, don't stay out too late. Come if you need anything! LEAVE YOUR WALKIE TALKIES ON!" She constantly took care of them, seeing them go follow a satisfied dustin made her laugh as she joined them before waving at them and heading to the kitchen.

"Steve's children left?" Her mother joked, Margaret began to laugh as she chewed on dices of watermelon. She nodded smiling at herself while her father continued reading the paper.

i love you ✧ S.HARRINGTONOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant