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"Alright Wheeler" steve panted "I think we found your hub." They all shinned their flashlights at the intersection, the eyes roaming in amazement till it all led to the middle piece.

"Don't tell me it's some golden treasure-"

"Let's drench it." Margaret sighed and nodded, the kids did what they said and began pouring gasoline all over the area. Steve and Margaret lost control of them as they watched the kids do their business. She shook her head, "my parents-they're parents-I'm going to die" she continued to think making Steve turn his head.

"Mar," she looked up at him "now's not the time."

After they finshed they all stepped out and watched, "you guys ready?" Steve questioned.

"Ready." The said in unison "light her up" Steve took out his lighter, the releasing of the cap clicked off with an echo.

"I'm such deepshit." Margaret held onto Mike's shoulders, her nails digging into his jacket as she thought of the worse possible outcomes.

The fire grew and vines swormed like tentacles on an octopus. They leaned back at the light, "we should go." Margaret mumbled.

"Kids, lets go!" She yelled as the fire formed out of control. They ran as she got up with steve behind her, "go! Run!" She yelled while they tried their best not to tumble over. Steve had his hands at her waist while they rushed, she reached for his hand and grabbed his arm, her other hand on Dustin's shoulder as they ran.

"Go let's go!" Steve yelled. Her heart beating out of her chest there was no plan B. This was it, if one thing goes wrong, they're dead meat. They would be in so much danger than they already were. Dustin being Dustin, he fell on the floor, "go! Without me." Margaret groaned and grabbed him off the floor.

"Plant your feet on the floor dingus and lets go! You're wasting our limited time!" She tugged onto him before they heard a growl. Turning around, Dustin stood forward.

"Dart." Margaret clenched onto one side of his shoulder while steve gripped onto the other. He went forward sending the group to a panic. "Shhhh trust me! Please."

Margaret's hand scattered for Steve's before she intertwined hers with his as she watched Dustin leave their possession. "It's me, it's your buddy" the thing went closer to Dustin, making sink into her skin. "Dustin" her soft call gave everyone a sense she was about to cry. The headache she felt was pounding through her skull with all this stress she'd been dealing with the whole day. Her eyes beginning to blur her vision while she saw him kneeling. She no longer shook like she used to, still her heart and head pounding, she took a deep breath in.

"You're gonna let us pass?" She blinked her tears and saw it's face open up making her eyes roll back letting out the breath she inhale and bringing her dead weight onto steve against the wall of the intersected paths.

"Mar" Steve called making the kids turn around, everyone but dustin. "She fainted." Max whispered making the kids bring their attention to her. As dustin dropped the candy onto the floor the kids went one by one, Steve handed the bat to max and put Margaret over his shoulder. Dustin looked back at dart saying his goodbye before they continued to leave.

Making the way out, the kids stacked in the back as Steve put Margaret in the passenger seat of billy's car. He took the keys from max and made their way back to the byer's house. After a few hours passed, Margaret woke up in Jonathan's room. Her eyes opened while she looked around. Convinced it was a dream, she sighed in relief. Taking her head up too fast and felt the rush in her head she winced, "Jonathan?" She called out. Creeking of the floor made her sight look over at both Jonathan and Steve.

"Hey" steve breathed out "you alright?" He walked towards her. Seeing his face still ruined gave her a realization she wasn't actually dreaming and everything she remembered was an experience.

"Dustin-" she immediately said, "where is he? Where's Dustin?" The panic in her voice was heard from the living room where everyone was at taking in everything they saw. Dustin looked up and stood making his way towards jonthans room he peeked through seeing her begin to get off of the bed.

"Mar I'm alright" he sighed. Margaret looked at the kid, completely untouched, not a scrap on his soft skin. He walked over towards her as she tugged him into a hug.

"Don't you ever do that! I'll kick your ass Henderson. Your mom would slit my throat-" she mumbled in his shoulder while he rolled his eyes "I can't believe you did that, you dingus you saved our lives" she felt teary eyed while cupping his face into her hands.

He nodded with a blushing smile.


"So," steve sat in his seat as the two were parked at the front of her house. They stared at the light shinning at her peaceful home. "You ready to do this?" She smiled at her lap before turning her head to look at his bruised face.

"No" she shook her head. He put the car on park and rested his hand on her thigh, "I know." She began to chuckle making him chuckle as well. She put her hand on her face caressing it softly before he winced. "Sorry" he shook his head.

"No, I'm sorry." Her brows squinted as she saw his face turn away from her touch. "I know what you're gonna tell me. Okay, it's not the best time but- if I'm honest, there's no better time except now. Realistically your parents are gonna see your nose and plan their move in a different city, that or they'll sign a restraining order on me and-" his eyes met her's "and I at least wanna make our goodbyes worth it."

She found herself smiling at Steve, ignoring his screwed up face. "Steve-"

"Just let me finish, okay hear me out." He shook his head, "I-I was a complete asshole to you, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry you went through everything I made you go through. Tommy was the biggest dick and it- I wish I wasn't so stupid." He sighed.

"I'm not asking for your forgiveness, I-I just want you to hear me out-you know, you don't realize how much you've had until you lost it. Being with Nancy, made me know how much I lost. Attempting to find the same amount of love in another person was impossible. I lost myself in nancy, convinced she was what I needed while you were out giving your help towards our school." He stared at his hands in his lap as he talked. "I guess what im trying to say is..." His face shifted with a force that came from Margaret's hands. She mushed her lips onto his feeling a stinging when her nose hit his cheek.

The two kissed, a kiss that they missed, a kiss that for the first time in a while, she was satisfied with. It was how they pictured it, the burst of fireworks and soft music added in the background. How many would imagine, that's what their feelings felt, like a 1980's Teenage love story.

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