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She waited in the car for dustin to finish his conversation with Mr. Wheeler. A huge yawn escaped from her mouth as she stared at her watch ticking. She forced her eyes to stay open but they managed to close. Dustin opened the door waking her up, "we're going to my house next" dustin informed. "And don't go fast, steve is following."

She nodded with another yawn before her eyes bulged "Steve? Steve Harrington?"

Dustin sighed, "yes Mr. Popular. Hurry up we're burning daylight." She drove off confused as to why Steve was behind her. She often glanced in the rearview to find him singing and bobbing his head while banging on the wheel. Dustin took out his walkie talkie attempting to contact his friends but no one was answering.

"Why is steve following us, again?"

Dustin snapped his head towards his babysitter. "What?" He saw how nervous and confused she was, "oh...because he has the bat with nails-" halting sharply at a red light she gasped. "WHAT?!"

"Why are you screaming?"

"Why does he have a bat with nails!?" The light turned green.

"Long story, go!" She slowly began to drive, her mind swarming with bad thoughts. Her eyes shifted towards Dustin while still having her head looking forward. Suddenly sweating she began to lose her grip onto the wheel that was holding her sanity. Her knuckles went back to normal color as they parked on his driveway. She quickly grabbed dustins hand, "you two aren't-I don't a gangoranything?" She nervously asked adding chuckles and ran her words into each other.

"What?" He annoyingly responded. "No!"

She sighed in relief and let him go, she opened the door and bumped into Steve. She screamed and closed the door, gulping as Steve held the bat "sorry-Henderson you never told me your babysitter was Margaret!"

She nervously smiled, "wha-what are you doing with that bat?"

"I didn't think you cared" dustin replied in a distance. Steve dropped the bat off his shoulders and dragged it on the floor. The two still staring at each other he noticed how tensed she was.

"Relax, It's-I'm not gonna hurt you." He softly chuckled. She still had the same smile before dustin came back, "what are you doing?" He questioned.

"Just talking-"

"Nows not a good time to flirt with my babysitter Steve! Do you have the bat?" Steve nodded and followed Dustin. Margaret felt light on her feet, what was she getting herself into?

She took deep breaths and saw them conversing in front of the entrance to his basement. "I don't hear anything" steve shook his head, dustin began rambling on, as the two continued to talk she stared at the bat. Her hope that this would be some silly prank the two planned while she was dazing off into a nap.

"Hey listen if this is some halloween prank," he flashed the light on dustin unexpectedly while nodding his head with an uncomedic stare "you're dead." Dustin blinked attempting to adjust to the light.

"It's not a prank!" He quietly sighed "stop, get out of my face." Steve turned the flash back towards the basement. The three feeling a bit of nervousness, he took his first step in.

i love you ✧ S.HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now