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Margaret Leemus was everything she didn't think she'd be a year ago. After the break up, Margaret stopped moping around hoping for him to come back. She hung out with Jonathan occasionally before Nancy came along. Their friendship slowly distanced once her and Steve officially became a couple. It didn't affect Margaret anyway, since she became leader of nearly everything. She became president of the seniors and everyone knew her name.

Everyone loved her, that was because she was the nicest most have ever met. She made many things happen and change many cruel behavior. Tommy and Carol never hated her more than before, after Steve and Nancy stopped tagging along with them- they became the freaks. The two bagged on the most loved student and got nothing but hate out of it. It was almost sad for Margaret to watch, but it made her feel powerful.

In the month of October, halloween was just around the corner. She and a group of kids decorated the school with cotton spiderwebs and orange paper string. They made the school festive and proud, as what she hoped.

As she stepped down from the stool, she bumped into Jonathan, "oh!" She gasped "I'm sorry, good morning Jonathan." She shook her head embarrassed for nearly screaming.

"Hey" he smiled, "good morning" he handed her a paper cup filled with joyce's wonderful coffee.

"Did you finish the story?" She questioned while blowing away the steam. He nodded, "just about."

After she became president she did the best to bring jonathan more involved with the school. She knew how much he enjoyed photography, so she made him leader of the news team at Hawkins High School. He showed up at every game with her and had some what the time of his life. His favorite was after the football games, they'd go to the diner not far from the school and celebrate there. He and Margaret developed a much better and closer friendship she's ever had. Their families would have family game night, that was always at margaret's house. She would come over for dinner at his place and share a movie night with his family.

Although they were close, her parents weren't so fond of her staying over at his house. They worried about her when she would stop by, after will byers, his brother, disappeared. Even after all that ended, her parents would continue to let them come over, but only if Margaret asked.

She didn't think of them any different. She didn't think of anyone any different. Thats why she got along with so many individuals.

"I'm gonna finish up," she sighed "thank you for the coffee. And make sure your mother gets my letter!" Her voice raised as he got farther. She watched as he scurried to the photo class with a smile.

"Marg, you mind passing me the tape?" Her friend, Robin sighed as she held the string against the wall. Marg passed her the tape and checked out the hallway, inpressed of their last wall. "Thank you robin, for your help. It truely means-"

"Yeah! No, don't- yeah don't worry about it" she smiled with giggles exiting her nervous replies.

"I'm gonna go down to the office, to get some more tape and flyers, you'll be fine here?" Margaret asked. Robin nodded and watched as she jogged her way down to the front office.

"Hey Cathy, you got anymore tape? We just need a few more strips to go" Margaret took the roll out from the plastic dispenser, it was filled with what sounded like sand and the color was brown. She waited for the lady to finish her phone call and tossed it around with the sand hitting the ends everytime it was caught in her hands. Cathy grabbed two rolls and tossed it to her, while she told the person on the phone to calm down.

"Thank you Cathy" she ran back to the hallway and noticed how busy the school was getting. She gave robin more tape up until they finished. The two high fived each other, "Thank you so much, Robin. I don't know what I would do without you." Marg shook her head.

They both put everything in the supply closet and gave the tape back to their English teacher. "So, what will you be dressing as this halloween?" Robin questioned marg.

"I'm not sure, I was hoping the STO and I would dress up as something all together."

"Is that what'll happen?"

"No," she chuckled at herself "not really."

"We could dress up as something! Like a duo?" Robin smiled attempting to cheer her up. "How about, daphany and Velma?"

"I could be daphany, you could be velma" She explained. Her and robin walked down back to the main hallway filled with lockers. Robin followed marg to her locker trying her best to convince her. Marg continued stuffing her things into her locker and listened to her friend ramble.

"Oh come on marg!" Robin giggled as she nudged her arm with a smile "for me?"

"I was gonna ask Jonathan, since he isnt the man to dress up for events-"

"What's a matter with you and Jonathan? Like, I noticed how attached you're getting to him and it's-"

"I'm just trying to be nice" Margaret closed her locker and raised her eyebrows at robin. "No one really includes him into things and I just wanna make sure he has a good high school experience."

"Oh" she rolled her eyes while she mumbled "I get it" she unenthusiastically nodded.

"You're trying to give him the junior year you've always wanted" Margaret sighed and put her books up against her chest while walking towards her robin's locker.

"I just- I feel bad for him, you know? I mean," she exhaled from her nose as Robin opened up her locker, still staring at her think "his poor brother went missing, he went through a lot with- steve. And it's just- I want to make it up to him."

Robin nodded and bit her lip while grabbing the right books. She listened to Margaret talk about how she used to be with him while she was with Steve, it was all surrounding with giving back to karma. She figured her break up with steve was karma for mistreating all her friends.

"Yeah, you were kind of a bitch with that Harrington guy." Robin confessed while weirdly glancing over at him and Nancy.

"Speaking of the devil, since when did he get with Nancy?" Margaret refused to turn around, in fear of making eye contact. She felt her heart deflate at the question robin asked, its been a year and she didn't even realize it till now.

"A while back" she softly replied.

"Yeah, but with Nancy Wheeler? Weren't you like best friends with her?" Robin kept her questions rolling unaware of how much marg hated it.

She never got over Steve, when she saw him around, she tried her best to avoid him. Him being head over heels for her old best friend, he hadn't acknowledged her anyway. He was stoked she had been apart of the school, he hated to admit how proud of her he actually was.

After nearly losing Nancy, he gained more sympathy for people. It was something he knew she would be proud of. Nancy was constantly on his mind, she had him by the neck even though she didn't want to.

i love you ✧ S.HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now