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"YES STEVE!" Margaret covered Dustin's mouth. She turned to the kids, "get away from them-"

"But Steve-"

"Go!" She yelled, they all looked at her, glass shattered, or what they thought it was. One of Joyce's clay plates scattered on the ground as Steve stumbled.

"Steve!" She yelled, he made his way in their direction, Margaret reached out for him but billy followed. Dustin yanked onto her arm saving her from the continued fight. "Holy shit." Dustin saw as billy punched Steve, fuming anger in his arms it almost seemed like his fist would burst into flames. He gripped onto steve, the two staring eye to eye.

"No one tells me what to do." He threatened before punching steve onto the floor. As his body slid down against the couch and nightstand Margaret grabbed one of Joyce's china vases and gripped onto it with anger. Billy cheered, psychoically and continued to head in steves direction. Margaret let out a fuming grunt before banging the vase billy's thick head. He stumbled, Margaret completely frustrated couldn't use her strength so found things around her give billy to fear. Steve groaned and looked up to find Margaret shoving billy away from him. He stood up dusting himself off till he heard a smack, a loud stinging smack against Margaret's cheek. In which she felt tears forming and heat rising.

Billy chuckled before putting her face into his grip, "maybe this'll teach you a lesson to leave it to the men" she scrunched her nose up and ferociously kicked billy in the balls. She smirked, "bad day to wear tight pants asshole"

He shook his head before bitting his lip, steve came up behind Margaret. Billy swung at harrington, but his dodge made it hit straight to Margaret's nose. She collapsed in pain, making Steve lose his attention on billy.

"MAR-" billy gripped onto steve shoving him down to the floor. He tackled him, with every punch Steve lost sense. Margaret watched with blood oozing down her nose, she grabbed a broke lamp and gripped onto the top half. Without any strength to get up, she heard the kids cheering for Steve. She again, felt useless if she hadn't been in the way, Steve would have had his victory. She shook her head and threw it back while her nose leaked. Dustin turned to her and ran, he grabbed the table cloth and bunched it up to her face.

"Are you okay?" She shook her head with tears forming from aching pain of seeing steve defenslessly being beaten on the ground. Dustin held her close "you did good." He gave her a warm smile.

Margaret felt a panic when she noticed max run up to him leaving the kids quiet. "Max-" she backed away, Billy stood up and turned to her.

"What did you do?" He took out a shot she stabbed into his neck. "What is this?" He slurred before collapsing into the ground. She grabbed Steve's bat.

"For now on you leave me and friends alone do you understand?" Margaret blinked in shock as she saw max swing the bat down into the floor. "SAY YOU UNDERSTAND!" she screamed, Margaret couldn't believe her eyes.

"Say it." She took the bat and rested it near her shoulder "SAY IT!"

billy being drugged and defenseless, "I understand."


"I understand" he repeated. She dropped the bat and grabbed his keys, now that the two adults were beaten, they had the crown. "Let's go." She wiggled the keys.

Margaret held the blanket up to her face and groaned knowing she had to follow through. Dustin rushed and the kids began gathering supplies. Steve rested on the ground completely knocked out. She rushed towards him, Dustin handed her toliet paper making her shove chunks up her broken nose. She began cleaning Steve's face up as well, "I need bandaids!" She yelled. Her eyes tearing up seeing how badly bruised he was, "Steve" she whispered.

They brought ice and two bandaids while they finished. "Let's go we don't have that much time!"


Margaret zoomed their way inside billy's Camaro. With a throbbing head ache that only got worse when steve began to freak out. Max was in the front with lucas turning their heads while Margaret swerved from the distress. "Make a left" Lucas screamed.

"What?" Margaret asked. Max turned the stiring wheel making them swerve into a mailbox she stomped further onto the gas but breaked as max tugged the wheel an opposite direction. After the car turned off, the kids got off, Margaret turned to look at Steve.

"Wh-whats going-where are we" he pushed himself out of the car and began yelling at the kids. Margaret helped the unload.

Steve gripped onto her arm, "what are you doing?" His vision cleared as he noticed the bruising under her eyes. "What happened? Did he do this-"

"Steve, again, not a great time."

"You're not actually going down there-"

"No" he sighed in relief "we're all going."



Steve took the lead leaving Margaret behind so none of them were left. "What is this place" max asked while Margaret stared in disbelief of what she was actually seeing. Their feet chomped through the crispy viens of the upside down, Dustin was telling the truth.

As the kids went faster, she turned and examined the particles flying in mid air. "What is this? How does it form?" She questioned a loud thump turned her around seeing Dustin freak out into screeches.

"Help! Mar HELP!" She grabbed him and made him stand on his feet while the kids all ran back to see the two, "ITS IN MY MOUTH!" Steve shoved himself through.

"What happened?" He shouted. Dustin gagged and coughed as Margaret took off her mask about to take off her goggles-"hey! No don't-" mike yelled.

"Why not, he's hurt-"

"You don't know what this is what it if gives you an infection" lucas shook his head.

"Meanwhile, dingus is here breathing it in!" She yanked her glasses off and cupped dustin's face.

"I'm okay." He sighed. She shook her head and got up placing her goggles back on and gripping onto dustins jacket and lightly shoving him forward.

"Get in front of me."

i love you ✧ S.HARRINGTONDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora