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The kids walked into the lab's property, their heart beat rose every step they took. Steve stayed close to Margaret, their hands intertwined while he had the bat in the other. As they all got off from Jonathan's car and they heard noises and screaming. "Mike!?" Nancy shouted, "Mike!" He ran into her arms. Joyce and hopper later came after, "GO! LEAVE LETS GO!" they jumped into both cars and both of them zoomed out of the territory.

Margaret stayed close with Steve while nancy and Jonathan sat in the front "I'm sorry my parents called the cops on you"

"Yeah. Well, it was gonna happen sooner or later" the two chuckled and stared at one another.


"I don't know how many people are there!" Hopper yelled into the phone "I don't know how many people are alive. I am the police, chief Jim Hopper." Steve came up from behind Margaret and placed the tips of his fingers onto her head. Scrunching up her hair before she looked up the two smiled. After Hopper left the phone, Margaret got up and took the phone. Steve turned from the window and noticed as she began to call.

He rushed over, "whoa, hey wait. What are you doing?" He whispered, flashing a sight towards the kids as they all stared at them.

"I'm calling my parents Steve"

"Now? Like now?"

"Yes now. They're worried sick and-"

"And have me by the neck, you call them I'm butter on toast you know that!" He freaked.

Jonathan and Nancy walked over towards the two. "Let her call her parents" jonathan silently spoke.

"Hey, mind your own business, yeah?"

"Mom? Dad?" They all looked at Margaret. "Yes I'm fine. I heard about everything, you need to call it off. I'm okay, we're okay. Call the police and inform them you've gotten in contact with me- listen, dad. I'll go soon, I- theres something I need to take care of and-" she stopped.

"What why?" She questioned and took the phone off her ear, she looked at Steve and handed him the phone. His heart raced as he brought it closer to his ear.

"Steve?" Mark called out. "Listen, I know you're scared. I just need my daughter back okay? Please. We- we need to know that she's okay, we want her safe."

"She's safe, Mr. Leemus."

"Bring her back home. If its anyone she could listen to its you, Steve. We want her home."

"I-I'll-" he exhaled through his nose while staring into her eyes.

"Steve, we'll do whatever," her mother dramatically replied "please Steve bring her home."

"I will. I-I'll take her."

"What?!" She shook her head. "No" she mouthed attempting to reach for the phone.

Jonathan and Nancy gathered around the table discussing the idea. Nancy glanced over at Margaret and Steve, the two talking against the wall. He saw his hand rise up onto her cheek, as they whispered. Nancy looked back at the book Dustin had and the back on the two as they hugged. She saw steve press his lips against her head. She went back at looking at the book while listening to Dustin.

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