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Robin waited outside school for margaret. She leaned up against the brick wall thinking of finding a way to ask her out. It stung her to think Margaret didn't think of her that way, it was something she wasn't prepared for. Margaret nudged her with her elbow, "Hey Rob" she smiled and squinted her eye due to the bright sun hitting down on them.

"Hey" she put her smile on thin line, making it awkward between the two before Margaret offered her to come over robin couldn't help but to cringe. She hated how awkward she was but less that she knew, Margaret always found it funny.

The two walked to margaret's car both jumping in and waiting for the car to heat up after how cold it was outside. Robin mentioned Mr. Clicks class and how annoying he was the morning of. While Margaret smiled and laughed at robin's jokes the two laid their head back on the seat. Robin kept peeking over at her lips, feeling the urge to just go in- something held her back. Something she should thank sooner or later.

"Steve told me about his house," Margaret sighed picking her head up and looking at the wheel, "he thinks it was Jonathan" she giggled at herself.

"I guess you could say thats good news?" Robin turned her head away from Margaret and onto the window. She continued to hear her laugh, by herself, at..take a guess.

"Robin" the blonde turned and noticed her friend's red face. "I think- I think I have another chance" she smiled, the precious smile she would make when robin complimented her. Robin raised her brows, giving a fake smile as her eyes blinked the sadness away.

"That's great."


"Leemus residence, this is Margaret speaking" while robin sat in the living room watching the best part of blade runner. Her face being stuffed in microwaved popcorn, her eyes glued and fastened by the graphics. She laughed at the inconvenience of a punch being thrown. Continuing to ignore the phone call her best friend was having in the kitchen.

"Marg! Hey marg! Come on! You're missing the action!" She shouted over the grunts.

"Painful to live in fear, isn't it" robin raised her brow while listening to the dialogue. "Oh!" She laughed as deckard was thrown onto a car.

She turned her head finding Margaret plopped down beside her. "What" robin giggled, Margaret rolled her eyes "I'm babysitting."

"No way! For who?" Robin stopped the movie and put the popcorn down on the coffee table.

"Henderson's. Turns out her cat has gone missing and is asking to babysit her child Dustin. Robin chuckled, "Dustin?"

"Yes, do you know him?"

"No, who names their kid Dustin? They had to have been a kansas fan"

"What?" Margaret furrowed her eyebrows at her best friend. "You know, dust in the wind?" She shook her head slowly.

Robin clicked her tongue, "oh come on!" She chuckled "your dad used to play it to you as we were kids. You know, I close my eyes" she began to sing. Margaret being to Margaret she is, actually closed her eyes, making robin smile at her with admiration. She hated how this girl made her feel.

Margaret opened her eyes as the room grew silent, she saw that Robin was no longer sitting in front of her which gave her a chill. "Robin?" She called out, "robin come out its not funny!"

"Robin!" She screamed, so loud that the houses down the block could hear her. Robin wheezed as she took off the mask to see an upset Margaret. "I told you to stop doing that!" She rolled her eyes.

"I couldn't help it" she giggled.

"Yeah well hurry up," Margaret got off of the couch and took the popcorn to the kitchen. "Dust in the wind should be here any minute" robin stuffed her mask back into her backpack and began walking out.

"Call me when you finish! I'll come back to watch the movie!"

Margaret smiled bit the popcorn she threw in her mouth "okay!" She screamed. Setting the popcorn on the counter she walked back at the door frame dividing the kitchen and the living room. "Oh and robin," robin turned around "don't bring the mask. Dingus"

Robin smiled at Margaret, "dignus? What the dingus?"

"You, you're a dingus."


The door bell rang, Margaret walked over to her front door and revealed a kid with curly brown hair. "You must be Margaret" he gave her a nod.

"You must be dust in-" she stopped from continuing and smiled "Dustin" she closed the door and saw as he looked around.

"My mom shouldn't be long, she told me to stop by but I have very important business to take care of and, well, I just need you to cover for me." Margaret listened to his words carefully. She raised her eyebrows and gave him an unsure stare.

"I promised your Mom I would take care-"

"I know- I- if i tell you, you wouldn't believe me." She scoffed and locked the door.

"I'm sure I won't." She made her way towards the kitchen. He followed her and continued to stare at her house.

"How do you keep this house so clean?" He asked staring at the white carpet and walls. He walked into the kitchen with white glossy counters and light beige wooden cabinets. Margaret tossed him the popcorn, "I don't make a mess" she joked.

"Obviously-" he took a bit of popcorn from the bowl, taking his way out into living room. "What are we doing?" She sat on the couch and glanced over at the child.

"Watching a movie?" She smiled.

Dustin set the popcorn on the coffee table, "Margaret. I respect you keeping your word but I need to be elsewhere."

"You wanna go?" She asked and he quickly nodded "fine." She got up and walked upstairs, quickly putting on something for the weather and grabbed her keys and left. She turned everything off and left a note for her parents then walked out to see dustin walking with his bike.

"What are you doing?" She asked. "Let's go."

Dustin dropped his bike as he saw her walked to her car, "no" he shook his head following.

"No what?" She questioned.

"You're not coming with me" she raised her brows "its far too dangerous."

"Dangerous?" She laughed "What is it that a 12 year old would be doing that is dangerous."

"Twelve?- you know what? Fine. But if you get hurt.."

"I have my knight and shiny armor by my side to save me." Dustin glanced over at her with a blush before she started the car.

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