Chapter 1

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Been getting comments to update soon, so i am gonna try my best to update a lotttttt


*Kuroko's POV*

My father use to always say, "Running is useless, hold your ground and stand tall." That was before he got so busy, and my situation... is kinda similar to his saying. Why is running useless you ask? They will always find their prey! Once they laid their eyes on you, your dead meat! DUNDUNDUN!!!! (Kuroko's Mother: Tetsuya! Stop exaggerating). Okay mother. I slapped both of my cheeks to prep me up. I got off of my bed and began to fold the sheets. As I finished, my mother called out to me and told me she needed help. "Coming!"

At the front door was the man from yesterday.... with the second in command... What were they doing here? I looked towards my mother who smiled gently, it was a forced smile. She didn't want to offend them in any ways.

I walked towards them, gently bowing, and welcomed them in the house. "No need. I came here for one reason. And that reason is because this man right here. Told me you were the most beautifullest Maiden around." Said second in command.

I wanted to tell them I wasn't a maiden, I am in fact a male. But when I tried to tell them, nothing came out. My mother was off to the side, about to bust out giggling. But if she did, she would get questioned. "Now.. if you could come along, you are officially a concubine. Of course you will be competing with others to become the King's Wife.." trailed off Second in Command.

"But... I am.. n-" i couldn't finish because the man who is with Second in Command stopped me. "SO! Dear mother, would you please let your daughter come with us?"

He called my mother, his mother.... He he called me a daughter.... oh dear... I pray mother doesn't send me with them. "Of course.....

Not.. Why would i let my only 'daughter' go with you?"

My mother made air quotations around daughter behind her back. The man with green hair, Second in Command, gave my mother a aggravated look. "It pays 1,000 a week."

Well! This house is shabby.... and.. we are kinda wearing rags.. and mother would have a better life if everything looked nicer.. instead of wore down things. My mother hesitated for a second, it was just a faze second. "I-.. I'll think about it." I was shocked..

My mother thinking about this..was she really gonna send me off with 2 man? No way.. "I'm sorry we were rude, we didn't introduce ourselves did we? I am Midorima Shintaro and this is a random man in your town."

Second in Command's name is Midorima Shintaro... likewise.. my mother nodded her head. "I'm sorry but.. you can't buy me with money.. I will never send my 'daughter' with you."

She wanted the money, but gave it up.. I guess I'll just have to go myself! Even if I'm not a maiden. Aha.. "I will go. Don't mistake this as I want to be a concubine. I'm doing it for my beloved mother."

The 2 men both nodded and told me they were gonna wait in the carriage. I turned to my mother as they left, I saw her teary face.. "m...mother?" I croaked out. "Tetsuya... you didn't have too.. now your leaving me too.."

"Mother, this is all for you. I want you to have a nice life while you still can."

I walked to the carriage after saying so. Leaving my crying mother on the floor, I am a monster... aren't i? Leaving my poor mother alone to cry while i leave to live a lurxy life for a few weeks? Years? Days? I am not sure.

I dabbed the tears at the corner of my eyes.

I will come back Mother....

*Akashi's POV*

I have 24 concubines, meaning I will eliminate whoever is not to my liking. They must be elegant, ladylike, and beautiful. If they oppose me, I will not hesitate to strike them down. I began to do my work in my office. Honestly, it's so much. I cannot even believe this place has so many problems. But as a King, i will fix whatever is needed to be fixed. I have this alllllll planned out since.... after all.. I am Absolute. Also I am an Emperor. Emperor's eye... after all, aha... wow am i lonely..

As I finished so, I went to visit my 24 concubines. I decided to meet all of them. As I walked in, there was one person who was eye catching. Long blue hair, pale skin... slim body. That beautiful figure, turn around turn around! I chanted in my head. Shintaro announced my entrance and I waved while smiling. "Hello.. I hope you will have a good time here. Please free to leave if you want. After all... this is no place for people with no passion to win.." I said, but when I said that last part, I darken my aura and glared at the whole room.

Some of the concubines shuddered at this, making me feel a bit pleased. I am no sadist.

I saw the maiden with blue hair staring up at me with her blue eyes. Such a captivating eye color, she has a cold aura around her... perhaps she is a Demon with the powers of ice?

Our eyes met... for a second.....


HELLOOO!!! Yes I updated, i got hungry while writing this to be the honest. Please, comment your thoughts. I'M NOT FORCING YOU TO DO ANYTHING!!! 😱

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