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I've finally convinced Harry to get a haircut. And today is finally the day. The only way he would cut it is if I got mine cut too. And truth be told I needed a trim. So today was finally the day.

We had put Annie in gymnastics with Kate's girls just the week before and we had a grade one teacher come to our house three afternoons a week. She was too scared to goto school and Harry and I discussed it. Although it probably would've been good for her, it wasn't the best idea. Especially what she's just been through.

So it was just Harry and I, winding our way through town, trying to find the salon I had booked us in. When we finally find it, we're just on time for our appointment. Harry and I walk in, hand in hand and we follow up to the receptionist desk. "Hi, we have appointments. For Harry and Taylor." I smile at the young girl and she smiles back.

"No prob! I'll go let your stylists know you're here. You can take a seat." She points to leather couches.

"Thanks..." I look at her name tag, "Amanda."

She dismisses herself and moments later a girl and a very flamboyant young man come strolling in, teasing each other'. A girl with short blond hair laughs and for a moment it strikes a cord. "I'm looking for Taylor?" She says, still puffing out a laugh and when we make eye contact my heart nearly stops.

"BRITANY?!" I scream, hoping up and she screams aswell. I jump into her arms and we're both squeezing so tight neither of us can breathe.

"What in god's name are you doing in Nashville?!" She says as soon as we part.

I curve my fingers over her caramel blonde bob. She hadn't changed a bit. "I was just gonna ask you that! I moved here... Oh! Harry! This is my boyfriend Harry!" I laugh, motioning him to join us.

"Very nice to meet you!" She blushes taking his hand and then leans to me. "Well he sure is handsome!"

"I'm taking you know each other?" Har questions and I side hug Britany again.

"We were best friends through middle school. She moved when we were... What? Seventeen?" I look to her for confirmation and she agrees.

"Yeah, I had just turned eighteen so your eighteenth birthday was just coming up." She nods. "None the less, you both have appointments so we better get started."

Brit and I head off to her chair and we spend the first fifteen minutes trying to squeeze in all that has happened the last handful of years. "Why Nashville?! Memphis was your like... Dream!"

"My dream could not have let me down more." she huffs and her bangs blow out of her face. "Nashville seemed like the safest thing. Everyone thought I was crazy back then for leaving, and even though maybe it was a tad crazy and disappointing, it was me. And I learnt a lot so I guess I got something out of it."

"What happened to Jake?"

She rolls her eyes. "First month there he was sleeping with every girl in sight. Found me a cheep motel and I lived there for a year. Dear god, was that place sketchy. I waitresses a ton, met me some pretty nice folk. Fell in love with a musician... That was stupid. Moved in with my boss, she was a better mom than mama ever was. I got enough money to finally get my own place and then she put me through hairdressing school. Now I'm here." Britany shrugs and the left half of her smile rises. "Ya know, some people I'm this world have way too big of hearts."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. Where's the boss now?"

"Back in Memphis. She comes to visit.., oh! Shit! I didn't tell you the best part! I'm engaged!" Her hand goes over my shoulder and I pull her around the chair, staring at the beautiful big princess cut.

"Oh my gosh... Brit's getting WIFED UP!" I squeal bringing back the old joke.

Britany laughs and blushes a bit. "You did not just say that." She mumbles and she starts brushing through my hair.

"So... I'm guessing you fell in love again or what?!"

She nods. "This guy is awesome, Tay! His name is Nathan... Nate...Oh gosh, I know you'd love him! He works at the OPRY! His grandma owns part of it! Oh deary me, Tay. You gotta meet him!"

"I'd love to... My god Brit, I can't believe it's actually you! How did we even loose contact? How the hell did that happen."

"Well, when I lived in a cheep motel and couldn't afford a phone or even a room for that matter, I think it was pretty easy!"

Brit takes her time with my hair and we try to catch up as much as humanly possible as quick as humanly possible. Harry was done fairly quickly but I didn't have time to see the finished product. I was too busy soaking in everyone my with my old best friend.

We walk to the front and she wraps me in her arms tightly, squeezing as hard as she could. "This ones on me. We're gonna have to get together... Soon! Okay?"

"What about tonight? Wanna come for dinner?" We break our hug and she pouts.

"I have plans tonight with Nate's family... But like... Tomorrow maybe? Or next week?"

I nod and pull out my phone and get her to enter her new information. "Yeah! How about tomorrow! My place?" She nods. "I'll text you the address."

We hug one last time and I turn around to see Harry running his hand through his hair excessively. But it's short... Shorter than I would've thought and my jaw drops. I follow him out to the car after shouting a goodbye. "I look stupid, don't remind me."

"No, no!" I grab onto his hand and run my own fingers through his hair. "You look adorable. And I can't actually see those beautiful eyes of yours."

"And my terrible eyebrows." He rolls his eyes and tries to hide.

I lean up and kiss him softly. "I love your eyebrows."

"Yeah," he chuckles. "Okay."

"I do. Don't be silly. I love every part of you... Even your... Untamed crazy eyebrows."

"You better even with this stupid haircut... I feel naked."

"Well you're not naked..." I laugh, "because if you were naked we would not be standing here right now talking."




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