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Hey guys! Just a quick little thing! These next like two chapters are gonna be based off of Keith Urbans song 'Cop Car.' Cause 1) I love it more than words describe 2) and it was on the radio and gave me the idea and it works lol. So if you've never heard it, I strongly recommend you search it because Its cute and such a good song! Alright! Sorry for dragging this on lol.

It's been two weeks since Harry entered my life and it's been the best two weeks I've had in a long time. Something about him makes me want to live life bigger and brighter. He's opened up the shade to what I've been hiding behind and brought me to a whole new light. Maybe he was my light. My laughter.

We hadn't proceeded with any kind of title or label of boyfriend and girlfriend but I did know my feelings for him were growing. And I think it was the same for him. With him working with my dad it forced me to get out of the house and stop by dad's shop. Harry was a very good handy man, it seemed like he knew everything there was to know about automotives. Even just sitting there watching him made me feel smarter.

Today was Harry's day off and he was going to come pick me up for a date. He makes sure to tell me every time now that indeed, it is a date. His humour wasn't always the best but I knew what he meant. His broken down truck was still... Rusty to say the least but it was getting there. With the spare time he had that's what he was doing, fixing up the old Chevy that we had come to name Boots. And it was coming along really well.

I switch from glasses to contacts before adjusting my sundress one last time. We were just going to the movies. So it wasn't anything special. To be honest, I could care less what we were doing, I just wanted to be around him. The door bell rings and I rush down to stairs, my dad just beating me to the door. With it still close I plead for him to go back where he came from and let me get it just this time. "Come on dad, you get him tomorrow all to yourself."

He sighs with a rolling of eyes and backs away from the door. "Be home at a decent hour, he's gotta work tomorrow!"

"Ya ya!" I hum then opening the door and strutting out. I was greeted with a kiss which I replied back with before we finally make our way to the truck.

Somewhere in the last two weeks was when we shared our first kiss, that's when my feelings started to level themselves out. I did like Harry. A lot. And that's why when the opportunity came and he kissed me, I didn't stop him. It sounds so cliche but I lived that kiss. And every one just gets better. The best is when I didn't see it coming. It was on our first real date and he was walking me to the door and well, he kissed me. Not aggressively or forcefully but... Passionately? I know that sounds weird when we had only known each other less than a week but that kiss was steamy.

"You look lovely." He smiles so preciously, then indents his lips to the side of my head. I jump in the truck and he meets me on the other side. I scramble to mention a thank you and he laughs at my quirkiness.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I ask, pulling one foot up and sliding sideways on the street as the truck rumbles.

"I was thinking the movies and then the diner." It's what we've come accustomed to in these few dates that we've had. He makes me feel comfortable just doing whatever. And I think I enjoy that most about him.

The nights flows on perfectly just like any other. The movie we had watched was some old flick that to be honest, I hadn't paid any attention to. Harry had been so concentrated on it the entire time that I'm sure he could give you a full synopsis. But me? No, my eyes were on him. When the movie ended, we carried on to our usual place now. The diner was our special spot now and I didn't see that every changing. This time though, the waitress looks familiar but when I goto say something cuts me off and runs off to place our orders.

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