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If you thought that was going to end our argument, you were wrong. The next morning we got pretty... Heated. And not in a good way. In a bad way. Screaming face to face. It didn't make sense how we could go from so lovely dovey to so... 'Don't even look at me.' Something was just so off lately between us. The cabin was... More than perfect. But as soon as we got home it just went down hill from there. I was starting to think maybe Harry and I weren't made out for eachother and that terrified me more than anything. Not only did I commit to Annie, but I committed to Alyssa. How do I just back away and forget that ever happened. We had this sense of family in a strange sense. We had a house and two vehicles and we essentially have a child. I just didn't understand how one moment things could be so great and the next about to break down.

None the less, I had to put those feelings aside. Wether I wanted to or not. It was the night before Christmas and it's when we take the family their presents. It's been a long day, of Harry and I getting on eachothers nerves and my parents awkwardly trying to change the topic of choice. At this point, I just wasn't sure what I was feeling. So I kept my mouth shut, and went with the flow. "Annie! Come on babe, get on your jacket!" I call from loading one of the last presents in the truck. My parents were going to stay and take care of the few presents I still had to wrap. "Annie!" I holler again. I knock my boots on the floormatt ready to go find Annie myself. "Come on, now!"

My mom looks in my direction. "Want me to go get her?"

I shake my head. "No, it's fine. She should be coming though... Annie! Come on! I'm counting to three and if you don't come you're gonna be in big trouble!"

I hear a series of foot steps from upstairs and she comes strolling down the stairs. Her face in a frown. "I don't feel well." She mutters, clutching her stomach.

I kneel down and put my palm to her forehead. She was slightly warm, but nothing irregular for her. "What hurts?"

"My tummy."

I push up her shirt and there was nothing irregular going on. Everything seemed fine. It's not like she had bruising or anything. "What kinda hurt."

She shrugs. "I don't know."

"Okay well, we have to go. If it gets worse, you tell me immediately, okay?" She nods and I swing on her jacket and she steps into her boots. I shout a goodbye through the door and scurry off with Annie at my side.

With the snow covered roads it was nothing but a pain in our asses. It wasn't heavy snow or anything, it just seemed that everyone in all of Nashville happened to be driving somewhere this very moment and in our way constantly. Sliding every which way across the road. "What Time are we supposed to be there?" Harry asks, his eyes glued in front of him.


Harry glances quickly to the clock as do I. 6:40. "Fuck."

"I'd rather us late than dead."

He looks over. "Ya I'm sure." He scoffs.

"Hey! Be nice!"

"Ya, cause I'm the one who needs the lessons."

"What the fuck is up with you lately?" When the words fall out of my mouth I immediately look back at Annie. We tried not to cuss at each other in front of her. Or even fight in front of her. It wasn't fair. When I realize she's sleeping, still clutching her stomach I look back to Harry. "Seriously though, Harry. What gives."

"Nothing! You're the one who's nothing but bitchy lately."

"Yup, just keep blaming it on me, Har. That makes perfect sense." I huff and swoop my outgrown bangs behind my ear.

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