Morning Glory

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Taylor's POV

You know that feeling after you fell asleep with your contacts in and in the morning your eyes wake up with crusties and it feels like they're glued together? Okay well, imagine that but like ten times worse.

I feel the need to scream, but I don't. My eyes begin to focus on the dull lights above me and I feel a weight in my chest.

It didn't work.

I close my eyes and swallow hard. A harsh beeping begins and I cough, realizing that a person lays upon me.

And not just any person.


My person.

He stirs and I feel the need to speak but I can't even figure out how to move my mouth. And just as I'm about to, light pierces the room and I squint.

"Miss Swift!" The voice is joyous and I close my eyes, feeling Harry move and sit up. He groans. "It's great to see you awake!"

I peak open and a middle aged man stands at the foot of my bed in a dress shirt with a clip board in his hand followed by a younger girl. Early twenties. I look to Harry who, I guess still hasn't came to his senses and I want to reach out to him. But I don't. I feel numb and too weak to even breathe.

"How do you feel?" The man in the dress shirt asks and I try to speak but it comes out in a cough with no sign of words.

"Tay- taylor!" I feel like Harry is about to shout at me with anger and I feel my heart start to race. But again. No words come out.

"We'll get you some water. Now, miss Swift. Can you tell me, do you know where you are?" I shake my head softly and go to rub my nose but feel a hose restricting my itch. My heart skips a beat. "This is completely normal." The man in the dress shirt is at my side now and I think he's directing his words to Harry and not me. "Miss Swift, you're at the hospital. I'm doctor Green and we've been taking care of you for the past eleven days."

I feel flushed and I'm handed a glass of water which I gladly take. The liquid immediately softening up my cracked lips.

"We're just gonna ask you a few questions, okay?" Doctor Green asks and I nod. "What's your ful name?"

"Taylor. Taylor Alison Swift." I croak in a shaky voice I don't recognize as my own.

"Good, good. When were you born?"

I take another sip of water. "December thirteenth. 1989."

"Perfect. What is the last thing you remember."

My chest tightens again. "I- I don't know."

"Miss Swift, we understand what happened. Don't be afraid to tell us. We just want to get you the help you need so you can go home as soon as possible. Alright?"

I blink harshly and my eyelids feel like sandpaper. "I remember pouring out the pills. That's it." I swallow the frog in my throat.

"Alright Miss Swift. Sound perfect. We'll be back in a little bit."

The doctor leaves and I look to Harry, not really sure what to except. "I missed you." He whispers and I feel his hand grasp mine. But we don't lose eye contact.

"Harry." My voice croaks and I go to squeeze his hand but I'm just too weak.

He leans down, kissing my forehead. He looks... Tangled. Of that's a thing. He looks distressed. "Taylor, I didn't mean anything I said. It was stupid and I didn't mean it. I love you. And I need you. More than anything."

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