Birthday Princess

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It's been a week since we moved in officially and it was also Annie's sixth birthday today. She's been in slum lately and I think it's because her moms not around to celebrate with her.

This morning, I woke her up with breakfast in bed. Homemade waffles with banana slices and chocolate syrup. A chocolate milkshake with whip cream and a cherry. Last but not least, a side of twizzlers. Harry had dressed up as Prince Charming and I was dressed as Cinderella. There was a cute little costume shop that I had found the other day so I thought it would be a nice touch. And although she was pleasantly surprised, I knew she wanted her actual mom.

Since we hadn't made a lot of friends in Nashville yet, it was just us and Kate and her kids. We were actually meeting them for the first time today. (Not in costume, although that would've been fun.) It was nearing one and they should be here soon. The house was in tip top shape, and I couldn't wait to show off our new home.

The doorbell rings and I hurry to the door, welcoming Kate and her group. She stands with a toddler in her arms and holding on to a blonde twin's hand while the other is holding the boys. "Hello!" I greet, overwhelmed if anything and she ushers in her kids.

"Hello!" She stretches to hug me over the toddler and I hear a patter of feet behind me. Annie stands, twisting one of her braids and when she notices me looking, she jumps to be rescued. I don't think she's seen this many people under the age of 10 ever.

"Harry, babe! Come here!"

Harry strolls in and Annie leaps for him. "These are my kids." Kate proceeds. "Drew is 8, Morghan and Maggie are 5 and Erika is 2."

"Hey guys!" Harry welcomes, "I'm Harry, and this is Taylor, but we're old. And this is Annie!"

"I'm six today." She whispers.

"I like your hair, Annie!" One of the bright blonde twins says, her hair is pigtailed.

"Yeah! I like it! It looks like Ariel doesn't it, Maggie?" This twin has her hair in a single pony and bangs.

Alright, bangs is Morgan and Pigtails are Maggie. Got it.

"I love Ariel!" Annie asks to be put down and she pulls the twins by their wrists. "Follow me! I have the awesomest Ariel doll, ever!"

Just like that, they're gone and I apologize. "She's not used to other kids."

"No, no, don't worry! My girls are good." Kate smiles and taps Drew on the shoulder. "Why don't you go talk with Harry. I bet he'll play some ball if you ask nicely."

The blonde boy's face gets red and he grits his teeth. "Mooooom, don't embarrass me!"

"Ugh, women eh?" Harry jumps in and I have to stop myself from Sassing him.

"No doubt." Drew pushes through the enclosed circle and starts walking off with Harry.

"He seems fond of the sister situation." I laugh and Kate rolls her eyes, laughing with me.

"Dew pays wiff us lots." The tiniest one in Kate's hand says briefly. "But he's a boy. He don't likes paying pincess as mush as boy gams."

"Is that right? What does he like playing?"

"Orage bawl. Dats Dews faveswitt. But he's ain't got anyone's to pay wiff. So he pays pincess."

Kate sets her down, "honey, why don't you go find your sisters, alright?" She nods and runs off. "Sorry, she doesn't get a lot of word in at home, too many kids, not enough me."

"No worries, you've got darling kids!"

"I try." She shrugs, "sorry for the call out on Harry. Drew just doesn't get a lot of time with the male species, so I try to get him those chances."

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