Episode 22: Blood Red

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Ash walks down the hallway toward the kitchen as he thinks about the kiss Misty gives him. It is not an 'I love you' kiss but to Ash, it was more than that. Walking into the kitchen, Ash saw James making some tea and cake. Ash sits down on a stool and watches James add two teaspoons of sugar in the tea before letting it boil for a little more.

"Hi, James. Making tea for Jessie?" Ash asked as he watched James decorating the cake.

"Hello, Prince Ash. Yes. It is about tea time for her. Also, she likes the tea and the cake," James replies as he makes a rose out of red frosting and green leaves with green frosting.

"Your wife is lucky to have you. Did she remember you?" Ash asked.

"No. I rather have her to forget about me than remember me. If she remembers me, her life would be in danger. It is better off this way. I can still protect her. How are you, Prince Ash?" James asked as he looked up and went to pour the ready tea into a teapot.

"I am fine. I miss her. It is like the distance is pulling me closer to her. I never felt a need to have her with me before," Ash said.

"It is because, in the past, you had her by your side so you get used to it. When she is not by your side, you feel incomplete because you are so used to having her with you. It is the same with me and Jessie," James said as he places the silverware on the plate along with the extra sugar and teacup.

"I see. This is my first time so I never know. Are you going to bring the tea to Jessie?" Ash asked.

"Yes, I am. It is about time. I will see you later, Prince Ash," James said as he takes the tray and begins to walk toward the door. Ash looked after him and went to take an apple and then walked away. Little did they know that it might be their last time to talk with each other.

It was late afternoon when Ash was eating his lunch. He has a big appetite and stuffs his mouth with dumplings. However, if someone knows Ash long enough, he is not normal. Every servant and maid around him was gossiping about something and Ash found it weird. First, the servants are not doing their job but gossiping. Two, James had not come back yet. He finishes the food and wipes his mouth when May and Dawn quickly walk in and toward Ash. Ash looked at them with an eyebrow up. The two girls looked tired and out of breath.

"Hello, Dawn and May. Is everything okay? What is the problem?" Ash asked.

"Prince Ash. Can we talk to you privately?" Dawn asked while whispering privately to Ash.

Ash looked between Dawn and May and nodded before standing up and the three walked away. They walked into Ash's room before making sure that no one is listening or following them. They locked the doors and windows before sitting at a small table.

"What is it?" Ash asked Dawn and May as they sat down.

"It is from James. He is in trouble," Dawn said.

"What happened?" Ash asked, getting concerned.

"I overheard some maids talking. It said that James is seducing Jessie and is going to punish her because he is touching the King's property," May simplifies.

"Jessie is James's wife. He had the right to touch her," Ash said.

"But not to Giovanni. It is his property. Even worse is that Jessie is going to be punished too for allowing James to touch her and flirt with him. I swear that Jessie tripped over something and James was worried about her and their baby so he quickly catches her in quick flexes," Dawn said.

"Did you tell Giovanni?" Ash asked.

"We did but he didn't listen," May said.

"Do you know where they are now?" Ash asked.

"They are in the throne room," Dawn responded.

Ash nodded before swimming out the room and toward the throne room where James and Jessie are. When he got there, he saw Lucy and Misty standing behind a large door and listening in on the conversation and peering in. When they saw him, they put a finger in over their mouth and Ash nodded. He joins them and listens to the conversation. Everything can be heard because the voices are very loud. Giovanni, the princes, and the princesses are there and they are looking at James and Jessie with disapproval, not even wanting to help.

"Your Majesty. I beg you, please stop hurting him. He is just helping me," Jessie said as she was kneeling on her fin with James shielding her as a whip flies over.

"You useless woman! I give you everything and this is how you repay me!" Giovanni roared.

"Your Majesty. I understand that it is my fault but please don't hurt her. She is pregnant!" James said.

"Silence! I don't want to hear a word from you, you useless piece of junk!" Giovanni shouted as the whip hit James across his back and caused it to bleed.

"King Giovanni, I beg you. Please," Jessie cried as she was full of tears.

"Father gives you everything and you are following his orders. Women are supposed to be silent," Ruby said toward the crying female.

"I would feel pity for you, but what you did is unacceptable. Father had the very right to do what he wants to," Melody added.

The whipping continues with Jessie's cries and James's groan of pain. The blue marble was colored with James's blood. James was trying his best to stay awake.

"You hurt my wife and now my unborn child. You have some nerves. One day you will pay for what you did. I hope that my child will grow up strong and protect their mother when the father is gone," James muttered as he closed his eyes. And that is when something in Misty snaps and blackouts.

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