Episode 2: King Trancy's Death

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It was a beautiful and tranquil morning like no other. Water pokemons are waking up and the younger ones start playing around. Mermen start their jobs with Mermaids starting their daily chores. The sun was shining brightly overhead and the sounds of the waves hitting the shore were like music in the citizen's ears.

The royal family just woke up. King Tracey was the first to wake. He has a feeling that something big is happening that day. He has a feeling that it is time to tell his daughters. He gets up and starts his daily route.

Down the hall from King Tracey's room, Misty just wakes from a nightmare. She was wide awake, sweating, and her orange hair everywhere. She looks around and tries to calm down her heavy breaths. She shakes her head and keeps telling herself that it was just a dream. Misty dreams that her father has died suddenly. However before he passed away, he told her to fulfill something about saving the pearl, protect the kingdom, and go to the land for help. Misty never heard the rest of what her father said because she then wakes up.

"It happens twice this week. It can't just happen naturally. The dream is telling me something but what is it? Is it the future?" Misty ponders as she calms down her breaths.

Once she calms down, she looks at her shell clock by her side to check the time.

"It is seven-fifteen. Better wake up. I still wonder what the dream is about," Misty thought as she got out of her shell bed and stretched her body.

Misty swims to her bathroom and quickly washes her face and brushes her teeth before combing her orange hair and tying it in a high ponytail.

"Your hair is so soft! Why don't you allow us to do it for you! It will make you prettier!" Daisy once exclaimed.

Misty looks at her bathroom mirror and smiles. This is the way she is. She doesn't need to be pretty or whatsoever to be special. She is already unique. Misty swims out of her bathroom and into her room and swims past her shelves of trophies she earns for surfing in the human world and seahorse racing under the sea. Her trophies are something that makes her proud but there is one thing she can never have without. It was a necklace of pearls with a shell in the middle. Misty always wears it no matter what. It was a gift from her father on her tenth birthday. It was said that it holds special powers. Misty swims out and bumps into her sisters, Daisy, Violet, and Lily, who just wake up and swim out of their rooms.

"Morning Daisy, Violet, and Lily. Did you sleep well last night?" Misty greeted.

"Good morning, Misty. We slept well. How is your sleep?" The three asked at the same time. People sometimes wonder if Misty is the sister of Daisy, Violet, and Lily because she was so different from the others.

"I slept well. Let's go to the dining room. Father must wake up already and is waiting for us," Misty said as she swims down the chambers with her sisters.

The Sensational Sisters swim into the dining room, which is just a room with four big windows with blue aqua curtains and wave designs and a long, rectangular table that can hold a hundred people and chairs. There are a few paints on the walls and the wallpaper decorated with colorful shells. The table was covered with a white cloth and food was already served with King Tracey sitting in the head seat.

"Morning Father. How are you?" the Sensational Sisters said in sonic.

"Good morning my dear daughters. Please sit down and have breakfast. We have so many things to discuss today," King Tracey said as the sisters sit in their seats with Violet next to King Tracey and Daisy sitting beside Violet on one side, and Misty sitting next to King Tracey with Lily on the other side.

The family eats their breakfast quietly with their servants standing behind them. Soon after they are finished, the servants take their plates away and clean the table. King Tracey mentions the Sensational Sisters to follow him to his office.

The sisters follow their father, wondering what is going on. It is seldom that King Tracey asks them to come to his office unless it is something important. King Tracey led them to his office and asked them to sit down around his desk. The sisters did as they were told and looked at each other, worried, before looking back to their father.

"As you know, my daughters, I am an old man. I can't live forever. One day, I will be gone and live with the stars in the sky. One day, you all will have to rule and look after the kingdom. I know it is a big job but please understand. I trust you all. Promise me that when that day comes, you will work together to keep the kingdom standing strong and to never betray each other," King Tracey said seriously.

The sisters look at each other with worried eyes. "Why did Father tell us this?" they thought as they looked back at their father.

"I, Daisy Waterflower, promise under my title as the princess to keep my kingdom and my sisters safe from harm," Daisy said.

"I, Violet Waterflower, promise over my voice to protect the kingdom and my sisters," Violet followed.

"I, Lily Waterflower, vowed to keep the kingdom happy and without harm," Lily vowed.

"I, Misty Waterflower, promise to do whatever I can to keep the kingdom safe and sound," Misty said.

King Tracey nodded his head. "I will be in peace when the time has come, knowing that you all will keep the kingdom safe. You all may go," King Tracey said and the sisters bowed before swimming away to do their things.

It was mid-afternoon and the kingdom was happy and alive. Misty was sitting above a hill, overlooking the kingdom. She loves her kingdom and would do anything to keep it like this. Lily is in the kitchen to help the servants cook lunch, Daisy is helping to trim the garden, and Violet is talking to some guards. Nothing can be better.

Suddenly, a servant, the king's private butler, rushed outside and called for the sisters.

"King Tracey has fallen! King Tracey has fallen! Your Highnesses! Please come! It was an emergency!" the butler cried.

As soon as the sisters heard the news, they swam as fast as they could and left what they were doing, and swam with the butler. They soon reach King Tracey's bedroom where the sisters go in and the butler stays outside to give the royals some privacy. King Tracey looks pale and sickish unlike that morning with tan skin and a smile, looking very healthy.

"Father. Father, are you okay?" Daisy called.

"Father wakes up and looks at us," Violet started.

"Father, what happened?" Lily said.

"Father, can you hear us?" Misty asked.

King Tracey moves a bit and opens his eyes a little and sees his four beautiful daughters looking at him in worry.

"My daughters, I can't live longer. You have to promise me something," King Tracey said softly as he reaches to his daughters with his hand and his daughters grab it and put their hands on top of their father. "Daisy, please take care of your sisters and the kingdom. Everything is in your hands now. Use your powers wisely. Violet continues to sing and brings the people into happiness. Lily, take care of the citizens. Misty, when the time of danger comes, please use the pearl. You are the guardian of it. You have to seek help from the human world. All four of you have to work together for the kingdom. I am proud of you, my beautiful daughters. I am sorry that I can't live to see you all grow and force you all into this. I will watch you all from above and I will always be with you in your hearts," King Tracey said.

The sisters' eyes begin to water. They can't believe that their father said that! He was healthy this morning.

"Oh Father, please don't go! We need you. You are our hope, the center," Daisy cried.

"Father, you must stay strong," Violet said.

"Father, we need you," Lily said.

"Father, please don't joke with us. This is too far!" Misty cried.

"My daughters, this is serious. Promise me that you four will be together and the kingdom safe," King Tracey said weakly.

The sisters promised and the King looked at his daughters on his side and smiled. At least his loved ones were by his side at his last moments. He squeezes their hands before closing his eyes and falls into a deep sleep, welcoming the darkness.

"Father! No!" the sisters cried when they felt their father's pulse was gone and his body turn cold.

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