Episode 12: The Prince's Chocolate Crush

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It is early in the morning and Misty wakes up by the sound of the birds outside her window. Meowth was sleeping by her bed because she feels it is not safe for him to go back home. She stretched and walked to the bathroom before cleaning her face. She brushes out her hair and puts it into a ponytail before brushing her teeth and changing to her uniform. She sighs as she looks into her mirror and brushes her hair again. Misty is a very professional person if she wanted to be.

A knock was heard from her door and Misty opened it and found Dawn standing there, looking at Misty. She is wearing a purple sundress and a pair of pink heels. Her ring was worn and she wears pink diamond earrings and a pink heart necklace. She put on light makeup on her face and her hair was put it with two strands falling on her face. Misty looks at Dawn with a surprised look on her face. Dawn never wears something like this in her work, ever. She looks at Dawn in a confused look and Dawn giggles.

"I am sorry Misty but I have to go on a stay over the trip with my husband and son. I promised him two weeks ago. I told Prince Ash about it and he allows. You have to take my place today. I am sorry. But don't worry. May was not working today because Drew is going to do her part of the work. You can help out if you want. I can pay you back sometime," Dawn said nervously as she plays with her sundress. Misty just smiles and nodded her head.

"It is fine to go out with your family. My father would sometimes take a day off from work to be with me and my sisters. You don't have to pay me back. We are friends after all. Have fun on your trip," Misty said as she smiled.

Dawn looks at Misty and gives her a great big hug. "Thank you Misty! You are a lifesaver! I will give you a schedule now. Thank you so much!" Dawn said. She gives Misty a schedule of what to do.

"No problem," Misty said as she smiles again.

Dawn nods and gives Misty one last hug before walking away. Misty closed the door and look.at the schedule. The first thing is to walk Prince Ash up with a cup of green tea with sugar at eight-thirty. Misty looks at her clock. It is for eight. She looks at Meowth and walks to the kitchen. She makes some food for herself and Meowth since she is usually the only one up at that time besides Dawn and Paul and Drew. After feeding Meowth, she walks to the kitchen and makes tea for the prince. She boiled the water and put it on the tray with two sugar cubes and began walking to Prince Ash's room.

Misty knocks on the door twice but there is no answer so she opens the door. The door was surprisingly unlocked and Misty gave herself a mental note to remind herself to tell Prince Ash to lock the door for the night. She walked in and placed the tea on Prince Ash's nightstand and opened the curtains. The morning sun shines through the window and Misty inhales deeply, feeling the sun. Misty gets out of the daze and looks at the sleeping Ash. She walks toward him and starts shaking the young prince.

"Prince Ash. Prince Ash. Wake up. It is almost eight-thirty. Wake up," Misty said as she shakes the prince. The prince shows no sign of walking up and Misty sighs and shakes him again. The Prince still didn't wake up and this time, Misty is getting frustrated. "Prince Ash, wake up. If you wake up, I will make you some Chocolate Crush," Misty said.

Prince Ash wakes up immediately and looks at Misty. "Where is the Chocolate Crush?" Prince Ash asked.

"I will make you some now. Drink your tea at least. I will be right back," Misty said as she handed Prince Ash a cup of tea and walked out the room and to the kitchen.

Misty greeted every cook and went to make her famous Chocolate Crush. She finishes her final touch and puts it on a plate before walking to Prince Ash's room and giving him the Chocolate Crush.

Prince Ash takes the cup and drinks it slowly as the creamy taste of chocolate runs down his throat. "From now on, make me Chocolate Crush every morning," Prince Ash said. Misty bows.

"Of course," Misty said.

After Ash finishes his drink, Misty brings it back to the kitchen and washes it before going back to the Prince's room and escorting him to the dining room. Misty helped Prince Ash into his seat along with Queen Delia, Queen Leaf, and King Gary. Breakfast was served and Misty helped out and stood in the shadows, just in case any service was needed. When breakfast was done, Misty helped clean the table and went to do her work.

Prince Ash had a good day with Misty's Chocolate Crush. He can't get the taste out of his mouth and long for more. As he walks down the hallway, he bumps into Melody.

"Prince Ash! Are you okay? Do you need any help?" Melody asked in her sweet voice that Ash got annoyed with. Melody's voice was so squeaky and high.

"I am fine Melody, what are you doing here?" Ash asked.

"Looking for you, of course! Do you need any help for the day?" Melody asked.

'This is getting old," Prince Ash said as he mentally sighs.

The day gets worse after that and Ash can't get Melody away from him. He was tired. He walks into his room and finds a tray and a note sitting on his desk. He picks up the letter and smiles. He picks up the drink and drinks down the delicious refreshment.

The note read:

Prince Ash,

I notice you had a bad day today so I made some Chocolate Crush for you. I hope you enjoy it. It goes better with chocolate chip cookies. I will pick you up at dinner.

-Misty Waterflower

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