Episode 16: With You

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Misty and Ash run around, or more like sneak around from place to place between the people and search for their friends. It was a couple of hours after midday and the kingdom is already getting dark. In the water, the sun sets earlier than on land. The pink and orange sky painted by the sun made everything seem to glimmer and shine under the light. Even Misty's hair is glowing. She misses this feeling. When she was still in the kingdom, before all of the chaos, she would always sit on the roof of her castle and watch the sunset, which lasts about one to two hours. Her sisters and father sometimes would join her or they would have a picnic under the sunset in a field of orange and red flowers. Thinking about the good times with her family make Misty's eyes watery. She misses her family so much. It wasn't for Giovanni, she would still have her sisters.

Misty blankly tears away and looks far down the road. "I must save my friends. It is not the time to think about all these crazy things," Misty lectured in her head.

Ash, who had noticed Misty had spaced out a little, stared at her for a moment. The sunray makes Misty stand out more and makes her glow. Her fake brown hair was glowing like gold and her brown contacts sparkles. He noticed how Misty must be deep in thought because she didn't notice him sneaking away from her to an ice cream stand, buying two popsicles, strawberry for him, and lemon for Misty. He puts the popsicle in front of her face and that settles Misty.

"What is it?" Misty asked her eyes the popsicle in front of her and looked at Ash who was eating his popsicle like a kid. "He looks so cute now," Misty said in her mind before he notices what she is thinking and mentally lectures herself.

"It's a popsicle. Don't you want it?" Ash asked put the popsicle into his mouth.

"When did you bring these?" Misty asked as she took the popsicle out of Ash's hand before putting it to her mouth. The lemon immediately starts filling her mouth and Misty's eyes widen. It was at first a sour taste but it turned sour later. Lemon's favor was her favorite after all.

"Oh, I bought it while you are contemplating something. And besides, we need something to eat right?" Ash asked as he took a big bite from the popsicle which caused his teeth to feel frozen and had a brain freeze.

Misty chuckles at that under her hand. "Thank you, Ash. How do you know I like lemon?" Misty asked.

"It is a lucky guess," Ash said with his cheeky grin. Ash takes a large bite of his popsicle and his teeth ended up feeling frozen and Ash had a minor brain freeze. Misty looks at his actions and giggles. The stands on the road had been closing off and the sunset had made the streets glow for the last time before the city lights began to open, making it look like fireflies.

"Do you want anything to eat? I know a great ramen place here," Misty said.

Ash nodded his head and Misty took him by the hand before they walked or swam to the center of the city where a tiny and cute stand was still open. The ramen shop was opened by Brock, one of Misty's great friends and one of the people that is still loyal to her. Misty and Ash walk into the shop and sit on a stool after they throw away their finished popsicle sticks.

Brock was still the same from the last time Misty saw him. He still wears his casual outfit underneath his white apron. His tan skin shows how healthy he is and his hair is neatly combed. He had this soft fatherly smile on his face and his brown gentle eyes. When he sees Ash and Misty, he turns to them while still cooking.

"Hello! Welcome! How can I help you?" Brock asked as he made some noodles.

"I want some chicken ramen with extra naruto and seaweed," Misty said, picking her usual.

"I want miso ramen with extra naruto!" Ash exclaimed happily.

Brock smiles and nods before he starts to cook the soup. Misty's order reminds him of so much of the old loyal family. Ever since Giovanni had taken over, his wife Lucy had been taken away from him, leaving his behind with his brothers. Lucy was a very beautiful woman with long black hair that flows to her waist and her black sparkling eyes. She was one month pregnant at that time and he had not seen her since she was taken away. He wishes that the lost princess would return to take the order of the kingdom.

To tell the truth, Lucy caught the eye of Giovanni one day when he was walking down the road. He saw Lucy walking with groceries and Brock was helping her. She was laughing at a joke Brock had told her and Giovanni immediately took an interest in her. He is known for bedding with multiple good looking women, whether they are married or not. All of them come to him willingly. Giovanni tries to seduce Lucy but Lucy always stays by Brock's side and never goes to a place alone with him. She was taken away in front of Brock and he can't defeat all the soldiers.

Brock finished the ramen and put both bowls in front of his two customers. Misty notices that Lucy was not there. She was invited and the flower girl when they were getting married after all and it didn't seem like they were divorced. Misty also knows that Giovanni had a record for sleeping with women.

"Thank you!" Misty and Ash both said before taking a pair of chopsticks and began to eat. The familiar taste gets into her mouth, making her eat faster. Ash was already slurping and eating so fast that his mouth was like a squirrel, with nuts in his mouth.

"I need to save my kingdom. Lucy and everyone is in trouble," Misty said as she eats.

What she did not know is that she is going exactly as to what Giovanni had planned.

✔️Pokemon: The Little Mermaid (Misty x Ash) (Pokeshipping)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant