Episode 14: Planning

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"Drew, calm down. May is going to be fine. I am sure," Misty said as she looks at Drew and rubs her eyes. She just wakes up from Drew's screaming and is very frustrated. Merpeople don't like it when people interrupt their sleep, especially mermaids. Misty sighs as she knows why Drew is worried. May was kidnapped under his nose and is pregnant with his children. Who won't be worried? Misty was worried too. She knows that it must be Giovanni's men that did it. He wanted to take Misty but May must look like her and they had a perfect chance. Misty was worried about May's safety because she doesn't know what Giovanni would do to her. Misty sighed again.

Everyone was in the room, including Queen Delia, King Gary, and Queen Leaf. May was a very loyal servant and is a great friend to everyone. She is like their mother, always worrying about things. She meets people's hearts. They are afraid that whoever kidnapped her will do bad things to her. The group sits around Misty's bed and thinks about what to do.

Misty wasn't thinking anymore. She is worrying about May. May is a strong woman but she can't defeat Giovanni. Knowing Giovanni, he may make May into a slave. Or give her as a gift to his son. The thought of it made Misty shiver. Giovanni is a disgusting man and his children are no worse. 'Please let May survive. I should tell Jessie and James to take care of her.' Misty thought as she looked at the sky. 'Meowth can't go back. It is hard to get out but harder to sneak in. I should use a Pokemon to do so,' Misty added.

"What should we do? May is in big trouble! I can't see her in someone else's hands. She is pregnant!" Drew said, clearly worried. He tries his best to not cry. He can't cry. Crying can't solve anything and saving May is his priority. He can't waste any time.

"Drew calm down. We are all thinking. Maybe being kidnapped is a big thing. Why else would we rush home if I don't care? We are supposed to stay overnight you know," Paul said in a quiet and monotonous voice. He was worried too but he didn't show. May is like his little sister and he can't see May getting hurt.

"Don't worry, Drew. We will find something. All we need is a clue," Dawn said as she put her hand on top of Paul's.

"Don't worry Drew. May is a strong woman. She will never let someone control her," Queen Delia said. As soon as she met May, she saw her as her daughter. She is worried about May too.

"Delia is right. May is a great friend to all of us and is very close to us," Queen Leaf added as she put her hand on Queen Delia's shoulder.

"Did they leave any clues behind like hair or something?" Misty asked as she got out of her thoughts. She had a clue of who it may be but she needs more evidence.

"There is. Orange-yellow and brown hair. The orange-yellow one is longer and wavy while the brown one is short and straight," Prince Ash said.

"I know who they are. They are two of Giovanni's men. They are Cassidy and Butch," Misty said.

"Do you know them?" King Gary asked.

"No. Not really. I heard of them before. Never really saw them. They are intelligent but also idiotic at the same time," Misty said as she put her hands under her chin in a thinking matter.

"Who is Giovanni and what does he want with May?" Drew asked.

"Giovanni is the merman that kills my family and takes over the kingdom. He didn't want May. He wanted me," Misty said. It all suddenly seems to be her fault to get May kidnapped. Misty sighed at what seems to be the hundredth time of the day.

"Why would Giovanni want you?" Ash asked.

"Because as long as I am alive, people will have hope that Giovanni will be defeated. If he caught me, he could kill me to make the kingdom feel that there is no hope. Or he can marry me off to one of his children and keep him under his hand," Misty said.

"Do any of you know what to do? We need a plan. May is mostly underwater. She can't breathe underwater!" Dawn exclaimed.

"She can. She will just have a hard time walking around. There is a huge air bubble surrounding the kingdom," Misty said.

"Okay. So what do you think we should do?" Queen Delia asked.

"I haven't been in the kingdom for a long time so I don't know what is going on. It is most likely that everything changes since I left," Misty said.

"I can help. I know what happens around the castle. Jessie and James didn't send me around just to sleep," Meowth said. He had been awake since Drew budge into Misty's room and is hearing into the conversation.

"Meowth. What should we do?" Misty asked, breaking everyone out of their trace. Everyone was looking at the talking Meowth in surprise.

"We can't just budge into the castle for no reason. I will show you a map of the place," Meowth said as he pulls out a map of the kingdom and starts explaining everything.

The map of the kingdom shows that everything had been changed. The whole thing is getting complicated. The group listens carefully so they can make a perfect plan. They have no time to lose.

"The kingdom's gate has more security now but also, more people are walking into the kingdom. Giovanni had let foreigners come into the kingdom to show off the wealth and to try to marry off his children. The old passageways were all filled except for one that goes through the sparks. Almost everyone in the kingdom is on Giovanni's side so we can't be seen. And there are more soldiers in the streets too," Meowth explained as he points out the map.

"What should we do to get in? Everywhere seems hard," Dawn asked.

"I have a plan. This is what we can do," Misty said as she explains her plan.

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