Chapter 1- Don't Cry!

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Dedicated to Esme101mar. My werewolf sister... She got me into the whole werewolf thang! XP

Chapter 1

I woke up with covers tangled around me. The dream. It was always the same dream! I had no idea where I came up with that dream. Mom said it was probably from a movie we watched when I was little. I have yet to figure out which one, though. I looked around my room. It was still dark outside. I glanced at my alarm clock that stood on my nightstand. 2:00. Two in the morning? Suddenly I heard the front door open. My heart started beating faster. You're being paranoid, I thought. Then I heard the sound of heels walking down the hallway. Mom. It was only mom. I sighed in relief and went back to sleep.


"Ugh! Stupid alarm clock!" I mumbled sleepily. It was only five minutes after I fell asleep when it went off. I had to get a new one. Then I opened my eyes. It was definitely not two in the morning anymore. The sun poured into my room. The thing about sunlight is that it always makes me feel like jello. That's why I like rainy days and night-time better.

I dragged myself out of bed and rushed into the bathroom adjacent to my room. Luckily I had the bathroom all to myself. I looked into the mirror. My black wavy hair was all in my face and my eyes... oh my eyes looked so dark. I unfortunately got somebody's (I don't remember who they are) eyes in my family. They are a super dark brown that look black- Even in the sunlight. I hate them! They are such a contrast to my pale skin. No wonder people call me "The Girl of Death" at school. I'm a freak!

"Hurry up, Ivy!" Josh, my brother, called from outside the door. "Right, I'm going, I'm going!" I shouted. I jumped in the shower and put hot water at full blast. When I finished I changed into my black V-neck and grey sweatpants. I put my makeup on at record speed and ran downstairs; mind you I almost fell, but whatever. I sat on the couch putting on my shoes when Josh plopped down next to me. "Almost ready?' he asked. I nodded. He was the exact opposite of me- he had light brown hair and blue eyes and oh yeah he was popular.

"I guess. Um...are you ready?" I asked. He nodded. Of course he was ready. School is his place to shine. Only the elite will go to school, even if they don't want to, because they love the attention (No offense to my brother). Sometimes I would lie and pretend I was sick just to get out of school. Too bad my brother knew I was lying. But, being the nice guy he is, he would always say "Okay" and let me stay. He probably says okay because his social life is a nightmare with me being around.

"You okay?" He asked as he got up.

"What? Oh yeah.... I'm fine"

"You sure? You seem kind of out of it," he said as he gave me a sideways glance. "I'm fine, Josh."

Lies, the small voice in the back of my head said. My conscience liked to make itself known to me.

After eating breakfast (which was just a muffin and orange juice), we walked the front door. We didn't say good-bye to mom because she was asleep. That was her schedule: sleep during the day and go to work at the hospital at night. I locked the door behind me and hopped in Josh's car.

The moment we stepped into the school building, Josh's girlfriend, Asia ran up to him and gave him a kiss. She was the second prettiest senior (according to guys, not that she cared). Her brown bob hair-cut and chocolate skin color made her look like a movie star. She was nice to me, though we never really talked to me. "Hey, Joshy!" she said happily. She then nodded at me. Hey At least she acknowledged me!

"Can I talk to you for a second, Joshy?"

"Sure," he replied.

Then Hannah, the prettiest senior (ditto) walked up to Josh. I say that she walked up to Josh because c'mon she wouldn't walk up to me. "Hey!" she said enthusiastically. She gave Josh an award winning smile. Her long, wavy blond hair looked like it could be the hair of some famous lady that endorsed hair products. Her blue eyes trailed over to me. Ugh I do not want to be here. "Uh, I'll see you later, Josh" I said. He nodded. "Okay. Bye, Ivy" Asia and Hannah stared at me. I know what they're thinking: How am I his sister? I sighed and walked away. I feel bad that Josh is related to me. I know that I have brought him much humiliation over the years, but he never complained, he was too nice.

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