Mother knows best

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I heard a knock on my bathroom door. "Everything ok in there?"
It was Collins. I was crying so much I couldn't talk. I opened the door and hugged my brother. "C-collins." I said sobbing. "I'm so s-sorry"
"Shhh Devan I'm hear for you." He said holding me tight. "Devan you can't leave." Collins said starting to sob. We went to go sit on my bed. "I'm sorry Collins. I can't keep any food down. I can't go a day in school without getting beat. What the heck am I supposed to do?!"
"Maybe you could go to the doctor?" He asked. "It's the best thing."
I looked at his red swollen eyes. I could tell he's been crying for a while. "Ugh fine. I don't want to but I don't want you to be upset." I said rolling my eyes. "Good. Mom will take you later probably. Ok?"
I was honestly really scared.

Later that day mom got home from work. "Devan! Are you ready to leave?" She called from downstairs. Well no of course not but I had to. "Yep." I said sighing.
We got to the doctor and waited
And waited.
And waited.
Then finally I got to go back. When I stepped in the scale the doctor's eyes widened. "Umm, do you eat?" She asked. It was kind of offensive. "Well I try." I said defensively. She asked me a bunch of other questions, and some were very... strange. She had me take off my shirt. She gasped. "Where did all these cuts come from?"
"This guy..." I said. "But let's not get into it. I'll be fine." I said trying to smile. She took this weird cream stuff and lathered it on my back. It stung. "Here, take this home with you and put it on your back 1-2 times a day. Also, I'm going to give you some medicine that should help you with your weight." She said.
'Noooooo! If the school ever heard about this I'd be made fun of even more' I thought. I just wanted to scream at this woman. But instead I thanked her. Right as I got in the car I screamed. "Devan what's wrong?" Mom asked. "Why do I have to take that freaking medicine?! It won't help with anything at school. Oh so I suppose you just want me to get bullied more?! I guess that's what you want."
"What?! Devan no! I never said that. And also I needed to talk to you about that." Mom said
"About what?"
"Mom it's really fine, I'm ok going there." I said
"But you just had a complete melt down about it." Mom said. "We're going to check out another school tomorrow. I bet you'll like it."
"We're?! No mom you can't come." I said
"Why not?" Mom asked.
"Well... because, I want the kids there to have a good impression of me. I can drive myself and I'll let you how it goes." I said smiling. She finally agreed to let me go myself. I was really nervous but I even agree it's probably the best thing for me. "Mom?" I asked.
"Yes honey?"
"Could I go to school this afternoon, I have a test in science, and you know it's my strongest subject."
"Devan I don't know..."
"Mom, really I'll be fine. You know I heard that guy was absent today." I said lying.
"Oh ok. I'll drop you off."
Mom dropped me off and I went inside. I went to science, and i didn't lie, I really did have a test. Then I remembered he was in my science class. I looked around the room while everyone was taking their test. There he is. He caught me looking at him. He gave me the scariest look with those beady eyes. I quickly looked down and started sweating and tears filled my eyes. I felt a tap on my shoulder. One of my class mates tapped my shoulder and handed me a note.

It was from him. It came to me that I probably should meet him...

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