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It's been a week since the amazing news. Collins is home now, and he's getting special attention. I'm just invisible it feels like, don't get me wrong, I'm more than happy Collins is home. But I just feel, I don't know.
Today I was going to try out a new school. Hopefully I can meet some friends. Mom knows almost everything now. But what she doesn't know is that the medicine the doctor gave me isn't helping me with loosing my lunch. I still can't keep anything down. She can't know. She'd be so mad!
I put on my back pants and black sweatshirt. I did my hair and headed into the kitchen. Mom already had breakfast made... pancakes. I couldn't resist so I ate a few. "Bye mom see you later."
"Bye Devan. Let me m is how it is, Collins and I are going to the beach... text me when you get home." She said
'Of course they are' I thought rolling my eyes.
I walked out the door and hopped into my car. I started it and drove off as fast as I could. I started feeling very dizzy and nauseous, I had to pull over. I got out of my car and feel on my hand and knees in the grass. I threw up. No surprise.
I got to the school and it looked like a nice place. I walked inside, nervous and scared because of my past experiences.
Nobody talked to me. Everyone walked right past me as if I didn't exist. I tried to talk to a few guys around my age. "Hey, I'm Devan Key, I'm trying out this school and I just wanted to meet some people." I said to them. "Wait your Devan Key, like Collins Key's little brother?" They asked.
"yea" I answered.
"Oh we hate your videos, you guys are so weird. Don't talk to us creep." They said laughing as they walked away.
I felt tears fill my eyes. I had to suck it up. I didn't want these kids to get a bad impression of me, and I definitely did not want them to know I was suisidal. I walked into one of the classes. Nobody even acknowledged I was there. "Well these people are nice." I whispered. I just knew I was going to be bullied wherever I went. Whatever.
When the day was finally over I went to the bathroom to fix my hair. "Why are you so skinny?" A big, muscular guy asked me. "Umm it's just how God made me..." I said, shaking. This guy scared me. "Oh well you need to work out sometime, but o wait, you might snap!" He said laughing. "Yea I know" I said trying to walk away. He grabbed my arm. He was a head taller than me and probably 3 times bigger than me. "Don't you dare mess with me, or my life. You do realize, I hate you. And this whole school hates you, got that." He said making a weird smile, pushing me on the ground and walked away. I locked myself in the stall and I couldn't help but cry. "Why does everyone hate me?!" I said quietly trying to breath. My face was wet and my nose was so stuffed up.
I made it to my car and called my mom.

No answer

That's not surprising... I am invisible

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