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I looked up and saw mom in my doorway  "What's that Devan?" She asked. "Oh.. this? It's nothing." I said. She came over to me and took the picture of Collins and I out of my hand. She froze. "Mom..?"
Tears started streaming down her face and she fell to her knees. Now I'm crying too. I don't like to see my mom cry, it makes me sad. I rapped my arms around her and gave her a long hug.
Mom left my room, and I sat there... what am I supposed to do... I grabbed the key around my neck. "Collins I miss you so much" I said softly under my breath. "I wish it could've happened to me... you had a happy life, everyone loved you." I said crying. "Lord please, take care of Collins, I know you will... I just miss him so much, I want to be with you and Collins in Heaven, where I won't get bullied, and where I won't have depression or anxiety..."

The next day I woke up and dashed into Collins's room. "Colli- oh yea... I forgot..." I said looking at the ground. I walked into the kitchen. Nobody was home. I wasn't hungry. It was Monday, so I guess I had to go to school. I grabbed my bag and left the house looking homeless. When I got to school everyone was giving me strange looks. I got through most of the day without seeing him. But at lunch... he found me. He motioned his hand for me to follow him. I got up from the lunch table and followed him to the bathroom. I was shaking. When we got there he punched me in the eye. Took out his little knife and made cuts on my face this time. He left me in the bathroom. Useless and helpless. I got up. I jumped a little when I saw my face. I looked like a zombie. I got a wet paper towel and tried washing my face. It worked a little but it looks like I came out of one of my video games. I left the bathroom and sat in the hall away from everyone. I heard footsteps so I tried to hide my face. I felt a hand touch my shoulder. And a soft voice say "are you ok?" I looked up at her. Tears filling my eyes. Her face dropped when she saw my face. She also started crying. She sat down next to me. We were both silent, but it was nice to have someone who cared.

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