Miracles are real

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What are they so happy about? How could anyone be happy at a time like this?!
"Devan!!!" Mom called. I ran out into the hall and she was crying tears of joy. She didn't say anything. She dragged dad and I to the car "What's "so great" Mom?" I asked. "Devan... Collins is alive!!" She said crying more. "What?!" I smiled for the first time in months "How?! I thought he was dead?!" I was in shock. Dad was speechless. We were all rejoicing, and smiling the whole way to the hospital. We all jumped out of the car when we got there and I was the first inside. We had to sit In the waiting room for 30 minuets, aka the longest 30 minuets of my life.
"Mr and Mrs Key?" The nurse said  "That's us." Mom said following her. I was allowed to go see Collins. I made my way to the second floor as fast as possible. I barged into Collins's room. "Collins!" I said while shedding tears of joy. "Devan!!" He said when he saw me. I ran to him and threw my arms around him. "Collins, I thought you were gone..." I said crying. "Devan, I promised you everything was going to be ok. And I kept my promise." He said smiling at me. "Collins you have no idea..."
"Devan I missed you"
"I missed you too... and there's something you should know..."
"What's that?" He asked
"So I read your diary..."
"Ummm what diary...?" He said starting to sweat.
"O don't be so dumb, you know what I'm talking about" I said laughing.
"Devan how could you?!" He asked
"Sorry Collins" we both laughed. I could tell he wasn't really mad at me, he was just messing around. Things were finally going back to normal.
A little bit later mom, dad and the nurse came in.
"When can Collins come home?" I asked.
"In a few days" The doctor said smiling. Yessss!!!!!!! This means our house would be filled with life and action. "I'll be waiting bro." I said smiling and hugging Collins goodbye.
When we got in the car I would not shut up. "Devan calm down!" Mom said laughing. I just couldn't get over the fact that he was alive!
"Thank you Lord!! Miracles are real!"

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