The dream

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"Devan! Devan wake up!" I heard my dad say. I opened my eyes. Everything was blurry... why was I on the ground? "What where am I? I was at school how did u get here?" I asked in confusion. "Devan what are you talking about?" Dad asked. "Remember?"
"No..." Dad said.
"Remember mom got a call and Collins is alive! He's in his room right now and then I tried a new school..." I stopped talking after I saw dad look at the ground. "Devan that never happened..." dad said as tears slipped from his eyes. "Wait... so Collins, is dead?" I asked, my voice cracked because I was on the verge of crying. Dad looked at me and embraced me in a big hug. I couldn't help but sob. It was all a dream. My brother really is gone...

Sorry for the short chapter, and sorry I haven't been posting a lot lately, I've been sick and really busy with school. Love u guys❤️

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