Together again and explanation

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When Collins and I walked in the door mom looked over and her jaw dropped about 20 feet. Tears filled her eyes. "C-Collins?"
"Mom!" Collins said as he ran towards her. Mom was in shock, she was crying and shaking. Collins rapped his arms around her and she wept. "H-how?" She asked. "It's ok mom, I'm here now."
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I looked over and saw dad. He was speechless. He stood there like a statue. He came over and hugged Collins and mom, they were all crying. I went over to join them. Finally, my family was all together again.
I went to my room to work on homework. About 30 minuets later I heard a knock on my door. "Come in" I said setting my pencil on my desk and turning around. "Devan can we talk?" Collins asked. "Sure, come sit down bro" I said. "What's up?" I asked his. "Devan so... you know how I had a bunch surgeries, and how the doctors said that they will leave permanent scars?" He said.
"Yea..." He unbuttoned his shirt... no scars.
"Where did they go?" I asked, very confused. "Devan, I remember I woke up in this amazing place, it was like a paradise. I walked through a field of flowers, and Devan it was so beautiful I can't even describe. I was healed, I wasn't in pain and I didn't want to leave. A voice told me, it wasn't time. He told me, that I could come back someday, but I needed to be with you. When I woke up I was in my hospital bed, I didn't feel sick, I wasn't in pain. I felt better than I ever have before." He said smiling
"Collins... you went to Heaven." I said as a smile spread across my face. "I know, Devan it was the most amazing thing ever, I can't even describe it." He said. "Have you told mom or dad?" I asked. "Not yet, I wanted to tell you first." He said smiling at me, his eyes sparkled in the sunlight. I smiled back. I was so happy to see my brother smile again. Then it hit me, "ohhh no"
"What's wrong?" Collins asked. "I just realized I told all the keypers you were gone." I said panicking. "What if they think I lied?!"
"Devan I'll explain to them." Collins said with an assuring smile. He ruffled my hair and left the room, i felt like the happiest person on earth. And it's been forever since I've been this excited or happy about something.

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