Ch.25 i dont see why i dated you

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After Adrien left Marinettes room she burst out in tears. She didn't understand this, she didn't understand any of this. Why did he randomly break up with her and leave her like this?
"Marinette, come here." Sabine said and pulled her daughter in a big hug. Marinette sobbed in her arms while Sabine her head patted. "I-I don't u-understand it, mama." Marinette cried while pulling her mother closer to her. "Sshht. Let it all go out, dear." Sabine said and kissed her forehead.
"I knew this would happen. That I'd be the one getting hurt. I really thought that he loved me." Marinette sobbed and Sabine nodded.
"He does love you, I saw it in his eyes as he looked at you." Sabine whispered soft in her ear and kissed her forehead again. "Then why broke he just up with me? He clearly doesn't." Marinette states and Sabine shook her head. "I don't think it was his choice." Sabine murmured softly hoping she wouldn't hear that.
"What?" Marinette asked and Sabine shook her head. "Nothing Marinette, you better go to sleep. Do you want me to stay?" Sabine asked and Marinette shook her head and smiled at her mother. "No thanks, mama. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Marinette said and Sabine nodded, then she left the room.

With Adrien...
Adrien was in his room packing his bags like his father demanded him. There was one thing he didn't understand, why? Why did Chloe it? He wanted to know why so decided to invite her in his room to talk. He needed answers.


Me: are you sleeping?

Chlo😝: Adrikinssss, I'm not 💜🧡🖤💜

Me: Could you come to my room? It's urgent.

Chlo😝: Ofc I'm on my way 💜💜❤️💚💝


Adrien sighed and shook his head. He only hoped that Gabriel wouldn't know about this, because he wasn't allowed to let anyone in his room.

Anyway, he heard a knock on the door, "That's probably Chloe." He thought and walked to the door. When he opened he expected a blonde girl with a ponytail and sky blue eyes. But no... Instead of that he saw a bluenette with two pigtails and beautiful bluebell eyes, who were staring sad at him.
It was Marinette.

"M-Marinette? What are you doing here?" Adrien asked confused and Marinette shrugged. She invited herself in his room and sat on his bed. Adrien turned around to see her actions.

"I don't know, isn't it normal for me to come?" Marinette asked and Adrien sighed. "Look, it's over between us. Why are you here?" Adrien asked and walked over to his bed to sit next to her.
"I only want you to know one thing." Marinette said and Adrien rolled his eyes "What? That you still l-" He began but she interrupted her. "No, you hurt me." Marinette said cold and crawled of the bed. She walked to the door and stopped there.
"One last thing, I hope that I never see you again." She said and glared at him. Adrien stood up "Marinette, you're angry now, you would never say that." Adrien tried but Marinette shook her head "People change. And I mean what I said." She said and opened the door. "As you wish, mlady, as you wish. We won't see each other again because I'm leaving tomorrow morning anyway." He rumbled under his breath soft enough.

"What are you doing here?" Marinette asked suddenly and Adrien looked up. He saw Chloe and Marinette glaring at each other so he walked up to them. "Girls girls, hold on." Adrien tried and they rolled their eyes at him. "Is this why you broke up with me?" Marinette asked and Chloe nodded with a smile. "First of all, I'm not a thing, so correct your sentence." Chloe said and Marinette looked confused. "Come on, I don't have the whole night." She barked and Marinette rolled her eyes. "I'm really sorry Chloe. Adrien is she why you broke up with me?" Marinette asked again and Adrien looked at the ground. "And second of all, yes! Isn't that perfect?" Chloe cheered and Marinette shook her head. "So it's true? I don't see why I ever dated you, Adrien." Marinette turned to him and glared mad at him.
"Marinette I-" He tried "Ooh, that's not very sweet, isn't it? Come here Adrikins." Chloe exclaimed and pulled Adrien in a hug. "I'm out." Marinette said and stormed out the room.

Adrien didn't know what to do. He just lost the love of his life, made her angry and he has to leave without her knowing it. This was all so messed up, he really wanted to cry, but with who? His father never really cared about his feelings, he doesn't have many friends , so the only one he could think about was Chloe, who was still hugging him. She's also the girl who caused this all. So he hugged her back and burst out in tears.

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