Ch. 22 thank you!

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"Ah, Gabriel. Just on time." Chloe said and walked over to him. "There is something you have to know." Chloe said and Adrien and Marinette looked terrified at them.

"Father, I thought you had a meeting?" Adrien asked and Gabriel nodded. "It's cancelled. Now Chloe, tell me I don't have much time." Gabriel said and Chloe nodded.

Behind Gabriels back arrived Mary and Robin.
They looked concerned at the couple and Mary winked at Marinette. Than Mary nodded at Robin and she took her phone to quickly send something to Chloe.  Chloe just wanted to open her mouth but was interrupted by her phone.

Robin: if you say something we will burn your favourite shoes.


Chloe looked with unbelief over Gabriel's shoulder to reveal the two brown girls smirking. Mary was holding Chloes favourite pair of shoes and a lighter under the pair.
"Chloe, I'm losing my temper. Tell me now." Gabriel said lightly furious and she smiled nervous.
"I just wanted to say how much I love your work! It's absolutely amazing." Chloe said and smiled fake. Gabriel rolled his eyes and unlocked his room. When he entered his room and closed the door Marinette and Adrien sighed in relief. Marinette ran to Robin and Mary and pulled them in a big hug.
"I don't know what you guys did, but it obviously helped." Marinette exclaimed and hugged them tightly. Chloe ran to the three and pulled them away from each other.
"Give me my shoes back!" Chloe screamed at Mary and pulled the shoes out of her hands. Then she turned at Robin. "And you, I don't understand why you joined your weird twin sister. But I'll try to get rid of you!" She barked in Robins face. Then she turned at Marinette and glared mad at her. "And you, go swimming with Adrien. I hope you choke in the water." Chloe said and stormed away from everyone. Adrien ran to Marinette and pulled her into a hug. Then he turned at the twin and smiled. "Thank you." He smiled at them and they smiled back. "But how did you know?" Marinette asked and Mary smiled with mischief.
"Easy, I heard Chloe calling with Gabriel about something really important what he wouldn't like. I followed her until she stopped at his room." Mary began and Robin continued. "Then Mary called me and demanded me to sneak into Chloes room and steal a pair of her best shoes. I did that and then I ran to Mary. We hide and spied on Chloe until you two came. We heard everything, and when Gabriel arrived and Chloe just wanted to tell him, I send Chloe a message that said 'If you say something we will burn your shoes." Robin said and Mary nodded proud.
"Well, thank you! You saved our lives." Adrien chuckled and kissed Marinette on the head.
"We know how Gabriel is, Adrien. But I'd tell him as fast as possible. Before it's too late." Mary said and Robin nodded.
"If you want us to joint you, just ask us. You can count on us." Robin said and smiled at him.
"Yeah, because I love drama." Mary added and everyone laughed.
"No, really. I feel like it never really worked between us. I wanna start over. We wanna start over." Robin said and Mary nodded. "Yeah, I'd love to start our friendship over!" Mary cheered and Adrien smiled. "I'd love that too!" He said and the four did a group hug.

The funny thing about this chapter is that it really happened in my life.
I burned someone's shoes of a girl that bullied my sister multiple times. We were on vacation also for two months and we stayed in a hotel. And there was this girl and Idk why she always laughed with Robin and her and bullied her. It was evening and I was in my room till Robin send me a message that she was scared cuz the girl who bullied her was following her. She called me and she started to cry while running away and I knew where that girl slept so I ran to her room and hoped that it was unlocked. Which gladly was so I ran to her shoes and stole one pair. Robin then called me again and told me where she was.
I ran to the place and found her. She was crying really hard and I had to cry too. Then suddenly we heard that girl saying. "Where are you, Robin? I'm not done with you yet." She said and I wanted to slap that girl.
I walked to the girl and she looked at me.
"Where is your sister?" She asked and I shrugged.
"Why are you bullying her? Wtf is your problem." I said and that girl started to laugh. "Where is she?" She asked again and I didn't answer.
"Stop with this shit or I'll do something." I said and that girl laughed hard.
I walked to the place where Robin was hiding and she was still sobbing. I gave her a hug and took my lighter and the shoes of the bully. That girl found us and just wanted to jump on Robin (literally jump) but I pushed her back and she fell on the ground.
"Stop or I burn your shoes." I said and the bully looked with unbelief at me. "Do it." She said and laughed again. so I shrugged and did it.
The girl started to scream and I threw the shoes on the ground.
Then I helped Robin up and walked away with her. But the girl glared for the last time at Robin and said 'you'll regret this.' We then quickly ran away from that weird girl.
We never saw her again and Robin lives happily ever after 🙂. after that I told our parents everything and they grounded me... But I didn't care I was happy that Robin was safe again. 😊

Please be known that I asked my sister permission to add this in my story and she agreed to it. This happened last summer vacation. So Robin if you read this... I love you. 💚

that was it! I hope you liked this chapter and my little story.

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