Back to the Start Chapter 13

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ALERT!*!*!* I changed Jason's little sister's hair I messed up on it! DX It is blonde NOT black!*!*!

ummm OH sorry for the late upload...hope you enjoy! :3 Oh fyi i skipped a couple scenes in the show they all happened i just didnt post about them nothing big has happened you know yusei meets Blister then gets his duel runner then crashes in the back of Luna's and Leo's house....nothing big...anyway!


"Should we wake him up?"

"I don't know. See that mark on his cheek?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Remember that weirdo that use to clean the pool. When Dad saw that guy had a mark he fired him! Dad said that guy has been to the facility."

"So this guy has been to the facility too? Cool."

"That is not cool you dork! People who have been to the facility are BAD!"

"Well talk to his cards spirits, see what they have to say about him. Well?"

"They say he is a very good person, but he is also very sad."

"Maybe he lost his hamster or his dog?"

"Sh! He is waking up!"

Yusei sat up to see two kids both with teal hair green eyes. One a girl with two pony tails and a boy with one. "Who are you?"

"We found you in the alley downstairs!" said the girl

"You wrecked your bike." said the boy.

"You wouldn't wake up!"

"So we brought you up here."

"You're heavy!"

"My name is Lenard(IDK HOW SPELL IT TT^TT), but PLEASE call me Leo and this is my sister Luna. We're twins in case you couldn't tell, but not identical twins she's a she and I'm a he!"

Yusei grabbed his cards and looked at them confused.

"So who are you Mister?" asked Leo.

"I have no idea." Yusei replied.


"What do you mean she is missing?!" asked Guy fumming at Zolo.

"She left the night after you and Jason got out. She told me she was going to be back in a couple of days." Zolo described staying calm as he laid on his back under his duel runner tunning it up a bit. He pushed himself out from underneath the runner, "look I don't know where she is and I wouldn't worry she is a smart girl and a tough one. Personally I am more worried about Night and Yusei. I mean letting two inmates out just after a duel? Night wasn't even part of it, neither were, Tanner, Yanagi, Jason or yourself!" He drank some water and went back under the runner.

Guy sat on the couch, rested his head in his hands and watched Zolo. "I wish this whole drama with Goodwin could just end. He is really screwing our lives. Some of us have dreams that we want to complete."

"Oh yeah and we don't!" Zolo replied sacastically turning his head looking at Guy with a 'really?' "Guy it isn't easy for us. We had to leave our friends practically our family, start a new life, become famous under wigs and make up, get you guys sucked into this and now we can't do much without him interferring! You know full well how hard it was for Star to leave the Satalite and then see her two closest friends look at her with total hate. To make it worst she can't tell them because of Goodwin but also cause they won't listen to her! Star every night lately has beaten herself up, and not just emotionally!" Zolo said finally putting the tools away and sat up looking at the picture on the table next to the couch Guy was on.

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