Ethan Choi

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*Ethan's pov*

[February 8th I'm unpacking my stuff and getting settled in my apartment when my phone rings I answer:]


"Hey it's Will."

"What's going on man?"

"April agreed to meet up with you tomorrow at seven for drinks at Molly's."

"Great. That's great. I can't wait to meet her."

"You're gonna love her."

"Hey Will. Where the hell is Molly's?"

"Just come to the hospital around six and you can ride with me."

"Okay. Thanks for doing this man."

"You're welcome."

[I hang up and finish unpacking the kitchen I unpack the rest of my stuff I go to the store and get food I see April with Natalie I have a cart full of food Natalie says:]

"Oh my god Ethan. Hi."

"Hi Natalie."

"This is my friend April. April this is Ethan Choi your date for tomorrow night."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ethan. April Sexton."

"Pleasure is all mine."

"I'm gonna go see if they have any gold fish."

[Natalie leaves I look at everything in Ethan's cart and say:]

"That's a lot of food. You feeding an army?"

"No. I like to have a fully stocked kitchen."

"What's the point of having a fully stocked kitchen if you're not gonna cook in it?"

"Oh I can cook. I'm the best chef in my family. My mother always said that her kids were gonna know how to cook so when I turned twelve she started teaching me."

"I love to cook too. It's one of my favorite things to do."



"Well I should get this food home. It was great meeting you April and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night and learning more about you."

"Yea. I can't wait to learn more too. I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Goodnight April."

"Goodnight Ethan."[he leaves I finish my shopping and check out Natalie comes over she says:]


"He's very good looking."

[I leave and go home I put everything away and make macaroni and cheese for myself  I get ready for bed at ten but I can't sleep because I'm thinking about April. I call my sister we talk for three hours. The next morning I wake up at seven am and go on a five mile run I bump into a lady making her fall she says:]

"Jeez watch where you're going."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there. Are you okay? Here let me help you up."[I pick her up into my arms it's April she looks at me and says:]

"Oh! Put me down!"[Don't ever put me down again Ethan puts me down he says:]

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You should watch where you're going next time."

"I'm sorry. So you like to run too?"

"Ran track and field all through high school and got a scholarship to Columbia doing it."

"Columbia. No way me too."

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