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Abigail walked back into her brothers apartment and kissed everything. She missed this place, so dang much. After 10 minutes, she sat on the couch and looked on her phone. She had 47 texts from Emilio and 20 missed calls. She opened her texts and they said; Abi where are you? Are you okay? Please reply!" Abigail replied and said "Sorry, I was in Maryland" Emilio replied "Why?" Abi replied "Well, something happened and my mom wanted me back because she didn't think my brothers could handle me" Emilio replied "What happened? Are you okay?" Abi replied "I'm fine don't worry about me" Emilio replied "Fine. Are you coming over for a lesson? You missed last week's" Abigail was just about to reply but Marcus snatched her phone and replied to Emilio "No! I never wanna see you again!" Then he gave Abi back her phone. Emilio replied "Oh ok then bye" Abigail was furious and jumped on Marcus as he was walking away and started hitting him. She yelled to him "How could you do this?!" Marcus put her down while laughing, he said "You Thought You were hurting me?" Abigail sat on the floor and cried. Marcus said "Do you like him?" Abi said "You know how much I wanna learn Spanish!" Marcus said "If your meeting up for a lesson, fine. But please don't become friends." Abigail nodded while Marcus walked away.
Abigail's thoughts
This is bad. Now Emilio thinks I hate him. At least Marcus is happy, family comes first.
Abigail got up and went to Darius and said "Hey bro, can you drop me off at Jake's place? He invited me over to hang" Dari nodded.

When Dari drove out of Jake's driveway, Abigail went around to the back door, and snuck in. She crawled around and made it up to Emilio and Ivan's room. She stood up and said "Hey Emi- oh wait, you're Ivan." Ivan said "Yeah you want to see Emilio?" Abigail nodded. Ivan yelled out "Emilio! Abi is here!" Emilio came running out of the bathroom across the hall and gave her a big hug. He pulled away and wiped off his tears. He said "I thought you hated me" Abigail said "No, I don't. Marcus does" Emilio said "Oh, well, do you want another lesson?" Abigail nodded and Emilio smiled. He said "Ivan, get off your phone we're teaching again"

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