First Lesson

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Abigail comes to the Martinez Twins apartment for her first Spanish lesson! She's super excited and even brings her Spanish book for dummies, just to show them what she knows already. She knocks on the door and Emilio answers quickly with a big smile, he says "Come in" Abigail walks in and sees Ivan sitting at a coffee table and waving at her, Ivan says "hey what's up" Abigail sits at the table, followed by Emilio. Abigail says "hey, I.. um.. brought my Spanish book just to show you where I'm at" The Twins open the book on the page with a bookmark, Ivan says "you know a lot already" Emilio says "ya... let's start off with longer words" Abigail smiles and nods.

After an hour, Abigail's lesson was over, Emilio lead her to the door and said "great job today, you coming back next week?" Abigail smiles and says "ya! Definitely!" Emilio smiles. Abigail walks out of the door and Emilio closes it behind her.

Abigail walks in her brothers apartment, as soon as she closes the door, all four of them are surrounding her asking multiple questions. Abigail raises her voice and says "stop! Let's sit down" They all sit on the couch and Dari asks "did you learn anything?" Abigail answers "yes" Cyrus asks "any funny business?" Abigail giggles and answers "No, Cyrus" Marcus asks "Are you still friends? Did they break your heart?" Abigail answers "We're good, Marcus" Lucas asks "Are you guys meeting up again?" Abigail answers "Next week. Did I answer all of your questions now?" All her brothers nod. Abigail, Cyrus and Darius walk off leaving Lucas and Marcus sitting on the couch alone, Marcus mumbles to Lucas "I still don't trust them" Lucas says "Move on, maybe they changed?" Marcus says "I just hope they don't break her heart, like they did to us" Lucas says "don't worry about it, they seem to really like Abi" Marcus says "First of all, they better not like her too much, and second, they really liked us too, but then, they didn't suddenly" Marcus looks down at the floor with a tear running down his face. Lucas says "whatever happens, happens. Everything happens for a reason" Lucas pats Marcus on the back then walks off, leaving Marcus to reflect on Lucas's words.

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