We meet again

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Abigail and her brothers go back to Jake's house to film a video, her brothers bring like 30 rolls of duck tape which leaves Abigail confused, she asks "why are you bringing so much duck tape?" Dari answers "We're gonna prank Jake and tape him to the wall... but don't tell him okay?" Abigail nods.

They walk up to Jake's front door and knock 3 times, a different person opens the door, someone Abigail has never seen before. Her brothers seemed to know him they all chanted "Uncle Kade! Uncle Kade!" Abigail asked "oh, is he our uncle?" They all laugh and Marcus says "no, everyone just likes to call him uncle Kade, his name is actually just Kade though" Kade says "Hey, you're Abigail right?" Abigail nods and says "ya! How do you know that?" Kade giggles and says "Jake talks about you a lot" Abi says "what does he say?" Kade says "He says that you're so cute, and that you look just like your brothers and how he feels bad for you." Abi said "w- why does he feel bad for me?" Kade says "Because you didn't know who your family was for 13 years" Abigail says "oh" and looks at the concrete ground. Dari puts his arm around her and slightly pushing her inside. As soon as they walk in the door they hear yelling and laughing, Abigail walks into the living room, leaving her brothers in the foyer, and sees 3 grown men chasing each other around the couch, one with a camera at hand. Jake comes towards her and says "it's like this every day bro" Abigail said "do they grow up?" Jake says "age wise but not mind wise" He starts bursting out laughing, no one else. He stops once he notices he's the only one laughing. Marcus says "let's go to the back yard and 'hang' all the brothers start laughing, leaving Jake confused. Just before they left the foyer, they hear someone yelling out "Abi!" Abigail looks around, she then sees Emilio up on the 2nd floor looking down on her. Marcus quickly grabs Abi's wrist and runs out of the foyer even faster than road runner. When they make it outside, they take a few minutes to catch their breath, Cyrus, Darius, Lucas and Jake follow and Dari asks "what was that all about?" Marcus says while breathing heavily "lock the door" Dari locks the door in confusion, he then looks through the glass of the window and sees Emilio running up to the door. He turns around and mumbles "oh, I see" Jake says "what? What is it?" Dari says "it doesn't matter" Lucas then turns on his Camera and starts recording.

^^The video they filmed is above^^

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