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It's been a whole week now without Cyrus showing off, Darius's Model face, Lucas's jokes and Marcus's sarcasm. It's been a week with gymnastics and youtube. All Abigail ever did was watch her brothers YouTube channel and go to the gym with her mom and dad. She didn't like this week, not one bit.

Abigail, her mom and dad all sat around the dinner table and ate filet mignon. Her mom said "This is Dari's favourite meat" Abigail smiled.

After dinner, Abigail and her mom were sitting in the living room just talking about random things. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Abi's mom said "Can you get that honey?" Abigail nodded and walked up to the door. When she opened it, her brothers yelled "SURPRISE!" Abigail got scared and fell backwards on her butt. They all started laughing and Lucas helped Abigail up. They all walked into the living room and their mom said "Oh my babies are home!" She gave them all a big hug. Their dad came upstairs and said "Why is there so much yell- *gasp* you guys came to visit!" He ran up to the boys and hugged them. Marcus said "We missed you guys" Then Lucas said "We want more time with Abi" Their mom looked at him in the eyes and asked "Are you sure you can take care of her properly? No more issues?" Lucas nodded. Their mom sighed and said "I will give you guys one more chance with her. If something bad happens again, she will live with me permanently." Abigail looked at her mom and said "Even when I'm 40?" Her mom laughed and said "you know what I mean" They all laughed and Cyrus said "Go pack up! Our flight leaves tomorrow!" Abigail ran upstairs to her bedroom and packed. This was the best surprise ever, even better than her surprise birthday party when she turned 10.

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