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Abigail gets a phone call from Emilio, she answers and says "hey" Emilio says "Hi Abi! Want to go watch a movie?" Abigail hesitates to answer but eventually says "ya but, I can't let my brothers know" Emilio says "that's fine! I'll come pick you up at 8 ok?" Abigail says "ok bye" They hang up.

At 8pm on the spot Abi hears a knock on the door, she runs towards it and yells "I'll get it!" She opens the door on a crack and sees Emilio, he says "ready to go?" Abigail whispers "one minute" She turns around and yells "I'm going out for a bit see ya later!" Dari yells back "ok!" Abigail and Emilio walk off to the movies.

After the movie they go back to Emilio and Ivan's apartment. They walk in at 10pm and see Ivan sleeping on the couch. They tip toe upstairs to Emilio's room, Emilio opens his bedroom door and jumps onto his bed, Emilio lies down and pats the bed twice gesturing Abi to come beside him. She walks up to the bed and lies down next to Emi, he turns on his side and whispers in Abi's ear "I really like you" Abi turns towards him and smiles, but suddenly starts to cry. Emilio hugs her and says "what's wrong?" Abigail answers "I can't tell you" She puts her face into Emilio's chest making his shirt a bit damp. After a few minutes, she sits up, wipes her tears and says "I have to go" She walks out of the apartment confidently back to her brothers apartment.

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