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The following week, Abigail arrives at Ivan and Emilio's apartment. She knocks on the door once and Emilio opened the door as if he was waiting for hours. Emilio welcomes her in and says "My brother isn't here" Abigail says "oh" and nods her head. After about 10 minutes Emilio says "stop, I cannot hold this in any longer!" Abigail is confused and asks "what?" Emilio says "I like you, Abi. A lot" Abigail's eyes widen in shock, she says "wait, actually?" Emilio hesitates and says "ya! Ever since I saw you I liked you" Abigail says "wow, um.. ok"

Abigail's thoughts
I really like Emilio too but, this will be very hard on Marcus, I can't tell him
Abigail looks down at the floor and frowns, that makes Emilio sad and he says "you, do not like me back?" Abigail hesitates and says "I do like you but, We can't date" Emilio says "why not? We like each other" Abigail says "But it's Marcus, he.." Abigail struggles for words, she wants to tell him that Marcus doesn't want him in any part of his life because he broke his heart, but she doesn't want to be rude. Emilio says "what about Marcus?" Abigail looks straight into Emilio's bright blue eyes and says "He doesn't trust you because of something in the past, he doesn't want us hanging out because he doesn't want the same thing to happen to me.." Abigail has a tear running down her face, Emilio says "what's that?" Abigail can't take anymore so she grabs her bag and runs out of the apartment.
Abigail's thoughts
I really wanna date Emilio but, I don't wanna let Marcus down. I love Marcus but.. I also kind of love Emilio. I can't take it! I'm going home and keeping away from everyone! I feel like no matter what I do, I'll always let somebody down.
Emilio's thoughts
What just happened? Did she get scared? Does she not like me? Why would she just run out like that?
Abigail runs into her brothers apartment and slams the door behind her with tears gushing down her face. All her brothers chase her, since she doesn't have a bedroom she locks herself in the bathroom. Her brothers, Cyrus and Darius, bang on the door yelling "what's wrong?! Are you ok?!" Lucas and Marcus stand behind them and look at each other with fear in their eyes
Marcus's thoughts
Did they just break her heart? I hope they didn't tell her she was a 'fake friend' or anything. I just hope she'll be okay.
Abigail opens the door and hugs Darius, she says "I can't handle this" Then continues crying into his shirt. Dari picks her up and brings her to the couch, the other brothers follow. Dari says "what happened?" Abi says nothing. She gets up and takes Marcus by the wrist and pulls him into his bedroom. Abigail and Marcus sit together on his bed and Abi says "You should thank me, for what I just did" Marcus says with fear "what did you do?" Abi sighs and mumbles "I wish I could tell you" Marcus says "why can't you tell me?" Abi quickly replies "I JUST CANT OK?!" She runs out of Lucas and Marcus's bedroom and sits on the couch all grumpy, Lucas comes up and sits next to Abi and asks "what happened?" Abigail looks away from Lucas and wipes a tear off her face and mumbles "nothing"

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