Back in Maryland

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Abigail and her mom hug all the boys goodbye and walk onto their plane. Abigail had tears in her eyes, but her mom was super happy. Her mom said "Time to spend some time with me and your father" Abigail nods and sighs. Her mom notices that she isn't happy about this, she's leaving her brothers and Emilio behind. They sat on the plane, and that's where Abi got an emotional breakdown. Tears ran down her face onto her shirt, making it wet. Her sobbing and whining annoyed everyone on the plane. Her mom rubbed her back and asked "What's wrong?" Abigail says "I'm leaving everything behind! I can't go back home!" Her mom said "We will come back and visit don't worry" Abi wipes her tears away and takes deep breaths. Her mom gives her a big hug and says "I know what it's like to leave everything behind. When I moved to Maryland, the only thing I had was your father." Abi said "I'm sorry for freaking out" Her mom smiles at her, and the plane takes off.

**Back at Home**
Abigail walks into her bedroom and looks out the window. She remembers the first time she looked out that window.
Abigail starts to unpack and hears yelling outside, she looked out her window and sees her brothers eating strange gross objects with a blindfold on. She looks a little more and notices that they're filming it, she keeps asking herself, "are my brothers crazy?"
In fact, her brothers were not crazy, they were filming a funny video for their fans who they call the Dobre Army. She walks down stairs and sits on the couch, this is where she found out about YouTube!
Lucas says "Look, this is our YouTube channel, this number here is the amount of subscribers, those are the people who want to see more videos from us, we call them the Dobre Army" He shows Abigail some videos that they made and was able to get a few laughs out of her. Abigail says "Wow! You guys are funny! How do I subscribe?"
She walks down stairs to the basement and sees her dad at his desk working. When he looks up and sees Abigail, he stands up and gives her a huge hug! Although Abi was happy to see her dad, she wanted to be with her brothers. Her dad said "I miss you so much! How are you?" Abigail says "I missed you too dad" Abigail sighs and walked back up stairs. On her way to her room, she stopped at all her brothers bedrooms and just looked at them. It put a smile on her face just thinking about them. When she got to her room, she opened her laptop and just watched all her brothers videos.
Cyrus says "I can't wait guys! This is gonna be great!" All the brothers nod and smile as Lucas clicks 'Enter' on his laptop.

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