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On Abi's way back to her brothers apartment, she bumps into a young man. Half his face is covered but she recognized his voice, he said "Abi, come with me" She followed him. They go into an old tree house in the biggest tree for miles. The boy shows the other half of his face and it's... Nick. Nick is Abigail's ex, she dumped him just before she left Canada. She asked "Nick! How did you get here?" Nick answers "I have my ways" Abi asks "What do you want?" Nick says "you" Abi says "Why do you want me?" Nick says "I really like you Abi, I wish you didn't leave me" Abi said "I had to, and I found someone else" Nick raises his voice and says "you what?!" Abi says "He's really cute and nice and-" Nick cuts her off and says "Stop! Did you really replace me?" Abi looks at the ground and mumbles "It was unintentional" Nick rolls his eyes and throws her out of the tree, knocking her her out.
At the Dobre Household...
Lucas says to Darius "Where's Abi?" Dari answers "She went out" Lucas said "really? When?" Dari said last night, remember?" Lucas said "I thought she came back" Dari said "She's been gone all night" Lucas said "Did she call?" Dari shakes his head. Lucas takes his phone out of his pocket and calls Abi, she doesn't answer. Lucas says "Where did she go?" Dari said "I don't know, I trust her" Lucas yells at Dari and says "What if something happened to her?!" Lucas shoves Dari and runs out of the apartment. While he's stomping down the hallway, he calls Marcus and said what was happening.
30 minutes later...
All the Dobre Brothers are walking around the city calling Abigail over and over, and yelling out her name. They go to the police and file an Amber alert and give them a picture of Abigail.

 They go to the police and file an Amber alert and give them a picture of Abigail

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(This is the picture they gave the police)

The next day, there was a knock on the door, Lucas rushed over to open it, everyone else watched him from a distance. It was a police officer, he said "I am officer T. Berran and I have come to inform you that we have found your sister."
Lucas hugs the officer and says "Where is she?" The officer says "She's at the hospital" All the brothers look at each other, Lucas looks back the officer and asks "What happened?" The officer says "Looked like she suffered a hard fall" Lucas shoves the officer out of the way and runs down to his car, everyone else followed.
They all go to the hospital and visit Abigail. They see her, laying in the bed, unconscious. Marcus walks up to her and holds her hand, he leans over onto her and cries. Lucas comes up behind him and pats his back a few times, Lucas says to Dari "This was your fault" Cyrus looks at Dari and says "You did this?" Dari nods and says "I trusted her. I still should have asked her where she went" He starts to cry. They call their mom on face time and show her Abigail, their mom says "I will come to LA and bring her home" Marcus says "No! Please don't!" Their mom says "You cannot take proper care of her, she has to come home with me." All the brothers look at each other and nod, Lucas says "You're right, we can't take care of her." Marcus starts to cry into Lucas's shoulder. Their mom says "Say your goodbyes, I'll be there tomorrow.

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