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Yay! Now officially 13!!! My birthday was on Sunday, So, Yeah!

I landed on the other side of the portal, landing firmly on my,"Feet." I had read up well on this place, and had visited numerous times in the 17 years I'd been Princess of the Changelings. I turned, and pressed down on the stone statue behind me. My arm stayed on the cool cement. Perfect.

"Hey! What gives?! And why is that bucker here?!"

I ushered Dash to stay quiet, because it was the dead of night, and I had a cabin near the woods we could live in. I had set everything up the day before, where they'd be safe. Equestria was doomed. But, we'd find a way back.

Soon, the magical binds broke wore off, and the others stood up, feeling a bit wobbly. Star Wish was able to walk in a few minutes, and Then Applejack stood, followed by Dash, who picked up AppleCloud.

Star walked up to me, and raised her hand, smacking my face. I put a hand on my face, wincing at the stinging pain.

"Just who in Celestia's right mind do you think you are," she whispered harshly. "Why did you send us to this weird place where you KNEW we were completely harmless?! Honestly, I'd rather have stayed there and fought! And what did you do with Twilight?!"

I rubbed where Star had slapped me, and opened my mouth to speak. "First of all, I'm Spiderwhick, For your information," I hissed right back,"Second, I had no choice, my mom would've killed us all! Third, I don't think you would've fought."

Star looked at me with a,"Oh no you didn't face."

"Fight! Fight! Fight," Rainbow cheered silently, to which Applejack elbowed her in the ribs.

"Finally, Twilight's Safe and sound. She's here, too. Same goes for the rest of you! Remember when she went to ask Celestia something earlier?! Well, she's here! Before I sent her off, I told her to go to the cabin! I'd promised her we'd meet her her! Now, let's fucking go," I replied, rather rudely.

I began walking towards the direction of the cabin, with a steaming Star Wish, worried Applejack, pumped up Dash, and confused AppleCloud.

We finally reached the cabin.

"Oh, finally, you're are here! We were worried sick," called Rarity, rushing up to Applejack, to which I stepped in the middle.

I gave her a,"don't bother Appledash, I ship it like FedEx, you're with Spike," look. She back up a bit, backing into her husband, Ponified/humanized Spike.

Their son, Chronos, walked up to AppleCloud and asked if she wanted to play. AppleCloud agreed, and the both of them went into the living room.

The cabin was nice enough. It was 2 stories, with 5 rooms, 3 with queens, the others with had 2 queens In each. Unfortunately, Trixie wasn't there because she and Twilight had broken up, and I had to share a bed with Twilight, Pinkie and Kreme shared one, Applejack and Dash shared a room with AppleCloud and Star Wish, and Spike and Rarity with Chronos.

The night was pretty awkward, and I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed my night? But basically, not sharing the details.

We woke up the next morning, and everypony was refreshed. But we were anxious. What would become of Equestria? Would we make it back in time? I was worried, I'd made a big mistake.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The End ~~~~~~~~~~~~

So, I'm sorry, but I'm ending it here. I know, suckish ending. But, like I said, the series is far from over. DAT'S RIGHT, IM MAKIN' A TRILOGY!! YEAH!! Comment what you think, and,

See you in space, Cowboy. (Love that quote!) :3

Appledash Sunshine, Apples, and a hint of Rainbows- sequel to Orange to CyanWhere stories live. Discover now