Thank You🎆🎉

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Hey everyone, is me your author.😀

Thank you so much for reading my first story. As you read, that the ending of the the first season of the series.
As you know, this story focus on how Ricky and Samuru awaken their power. In this story, they have meet friend and old friend upgrade themselves.

It is also a reunion between Samuru and his family including his mother who say to be dead. You guys must a lot of answer to ask like how did Ricky become an b-elite, what happen to Samuru when he was young and who is his last brother. Well don't worry, everything will be answer in the next season.

I will make a short story on how Ricky met Samuru's sibling and become an elite. And also about Samuru past. About Samuru's younger brother, you have to wait because he will show up in the series.

And for Shin trump card, you just have to wait in the short story to found out.

And again I want to say thank you for everyone who reading and supporting my story especially @mizazumisachito111.

We will meet again in my next series. See you soon.

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