Chapter 17: The Rescure Operation

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(Shin P. O. V.)

How long we support to wait? I can't stop worrying of what happen to Samuru and Ricky if that man is with them. I just want to dive into the enemy base but if I do that, I will risk Samuru and Ricky safety.

Sakura had ran off to check out the base with Aiki after Ui and Tooru come back. Apparently, the door can't open and Aiki is now hacking the door security. At least, that's one of things that Aiki can do. We communicate with each other using a hearing device at our ear.

Sakura: Hey, Shin. Please repeat.

Shin: What is it, Sakura?

Sakura: Aiki has manage to hack the enemy base system. I want you and the other go in. I will be with Aiki to guide you in. I still need to help Aiki hack some other system.

Shin: Okay, copy that.

Sora: What just Sakura say.

Shin: Let's go in. The door can be open now.

Genta: Now, is action time.

Ui: The door is this way.

We follow Ui to the back door and run in the warehouse. We follow Sakura direction until we meet a two path.

Shin: Hey, Sakura repeat. Which way we have to go.

Sakura: Just a minute.

Sakura: Okay, you guys have to split.

Shin: What?

Sakura: Samuru and Ricky have be separate with Dracyon and Dravise. So one group go rescue Dravise and Dracyon while the rest go save Samuru and Ricky.

Shin: Okay, copy that.

Shin: Guys we have to split

Novu: Okay.

Shin: Me, dad, Sora, Novu, Basara and Kamon will go save Samuru and Ricky while Ui, Tooru, Bakuga and Genta go save Dracyon and Dravise.

All: Got it.

Shin: Sakura, repeat. Which way lead to Samuru?

Sakura: At the left path.

Shin: Copy that.

Shin: Okay, Ui. I will go to the left while you go the right. After saving Dravise and Dracyon, help us save Samuru and Ricky.

Ui: Sure.

Sora: Come on. Let's go already.

Shin: Okay.

We split up and go our separate way. After minutes of running, we finally made it.

Sakura: Shin, they in there. Be careful, the enemy also in there. I will be coming there as well with mom, so distracted them as long as you can.

Shin: Okay.

Novu: The door is lock.

Gennusuke: Novu, stand back. *kick the door open*.

As the door open, we saw Ricky and Samuru. Each of them be strap to the chair. By their looks, they are tired.

Sora: Samuru *Run to Samuru*

Kamon: Ricky *Run to Ricky*

Samuru: Don't...

Ricky: Is a trap.

Before Sora and Kamon reach them, a wall of glass appear from the floor and block the way.

Sora: *stop* what?!

Kamon: *kick the wall* where it come from?

Voice: Oh, looks like you arrive.

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