Chapter 13: The Nightmare

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(Samuru P. O. V.)
[In his dream]

I am walking in a dark alley. As I walk I spotted a boy around five. He has midnight blue hair with black highlight and midnight blue eyes. He is jumping happily while holding a box. When I look closely, I was surprise to myself.

My child self look happy. I then understand where I am. This is the day of my mother birthday and the day when I was kidnapped. Looks like I having this dream. A dream that change me .

I try to touch my childself but it when through him. Looks like I am invisible here. I follow my young self until we meet a dead end. When we turn around, I see him. My nightmare.

He approach my youngself. I try to protect him by standing between him and my nightmare. But he just went through me like I was never there.

My youngself looks like he gonna cry. Well, who doesn't. The man walk slowly to him as my young self walk backwards. And then the image has disappear.

A few second later, a new image appear, this time at an old warehouse. I recognise this warehouse every well. This is where I been torture for that man fun

When I was inside, I heard someone crying. I search for the voice and I found my young self crying. He conditions was very bad. He was been tide up at his wrist and ankle. His arm was also be tide to his side. He was wearing a cloth at his mouth and his clothes was rip of. He also has a lot of scar because of been wimp by a belt.

Then I heard footsteps coming, I turn to see him. He is holding a belt and a box that's is full of his torture tool. My youngself try to run away but the colar at his neck prevent him for moving.

I just stand there as I watch my young self been force to be his pet. I just can't stand. I try to protect my young self but the man just went past through me. He then began to torture me like sink my head in bucket of water, been force to eat hot sand, been iron to his skin or watch a video of someone killing people and many more. My young self cry, yell, scream for help but no one was there to save him.

Then the image disappear and been replace with another one. This one is when my mother died of trying to save me. I just want to get out of this nightmare. I have enough. I shout loudly and all image suddenly disappeared.

[At reality]

I suddenly awake for my sleep.I look at my clock to see that is only 3 a.m. I look a my left to see Sora still in dreamland at the left bed. I look at the right and surprise that Sakura isn't there. Her bed is tidy like this morning.

I was sweating like crazy. I haven't got that dream for years. I heard the door open to see Sakura come in. Sakura was surprise to see me awake.

Sakura: Samuru, you awaken. Something the matter?

Samuru: I just got that nightmare again.

Sakura sigh and walk to bed. She then sit at her bed and face me.

Sakura: Do you want to tell me about it?

Samuru: It's nothing special. Is just like always. I been kidnapped,my torture moment and mom death.

Sakura: I see. Then how about you continue sleeping. It's still early.

Samuru: How about you?

Sakura: I am not sleepy. I just want to do my work. I won't disrupt you.

Sakura then switch on the light and continue her work at the table. I try to sleep but I afraid for the dream to come back. So I decide to just read a book while waiting for the morning. The book is about a wizard adventure. As I read, I start to remember about my past self that appaer when Dravise was evolve. I want to know more about him but I don't know who I should ask. Maybe, Sakura can answer for me.

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